I have been angry with myself for months because I did not buy this tea. I went all the way to the Mariage Freres tea room, freaked out, and left. The tin I did purchase I got at La Grande Epicerie De Paris, and while I stared at all of them for a good 10 minutes, I didn’t know the whole story of Marco Polo.
So for months I have wanted it and wished I had gotten it. At least it’s easy to acquire in the United States, so thanks Williams Sonoma. And thankfully this is the only tea they stock at the one by me, so there wasn’t a chance to buy more.
Oh I am so glad to finally have it. With milk and sugar it is so fruity and creamy, it really is like strawberry shortcake. Nothing tastes fake about it. I figured this would be good since Vanille des Iles is the best tasting vanilla tea I’ve ever had.