I normally won’t brew anything caffeinated after 6 pm, but since this is a houjicha/white mixed base, I’m hoping it won’t carrying enough oomph to ruin my sleep schedule. It sounded like the perfect companion to the slice of tiramisu I got for dessert for my Festivus Feast tonight (I ordered a big ol’ Garlic Roasted Chicken pizza, topped with lots of veggies and basil! It was delicious and I have leftovers for days! The kitty got a salmon dinner wet food.)
My whole kitchen picked up the aroma of warm maple as this steeped. I smell maple and a wonderful, warm cardamom aroma wafting off my new “Merry Everything” mug I was gifted with some edible goodies from my workplace (I can’t help but think I’m the reason they gave everyone “Merry Everything” mugs as I’m fairly certain I’m the only employee that doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but honestly finally feeling that little bit of inclusion after all these years really touched me!)
The base is surprisingly not as full/roasty as I was expecting, so perhaps it is much ligher in houjicha than I thought, or maybe this spoonful just didn’t have a very good distribution. Mostly I just taste maple and cardamom, which is a lovely flavor combination (I still miss the Coconut French Toast with Cardamom Maple Syrup tea, and don’t know how I miss getting it into the advent teabox vote every single year…) There is a very mellow woody/nutty flavor in the background. Warm and pleasing, and it does pair nicely this with sticky, sweet tiramisu. Man, I haven’t had a slice of tiramisu in years, it feels so indulgent!
Flavors: Cardamom, Maple, Maple Syrup, Nutty, Spices, Sweet, Wood
My cuppa this morning (made with double leaf and slightly more water — 6g to 500ml) is even better than the one last night, so I think ingredient distro definitely played a factor! Mainly, it looked like the cinnamon sunk to the bottom and got hidden by the bulk white tea leaves, and now that I have some of that in the cup, I definitely am tasting both spices with the maple. Not really getting any different flavor from the base, but it just feels fuller/thicker in mouthfeel this morning, as well.
My cuppa this morning (made with double leaf and slightly more water — 6g to 500ml) is even better than the one last night, so I think ingredient distro definitely played a factor! Mainly, it looked like the cinnamon sunk to the bottom and got hidden by the bulk white tea leaves, and now that I have some of that in the cup, I definitely am tasting both spices with the maple. Not really getting any different flavor from the base, but it just feels fuller/thicker in mouthfeel this morning, as well.