drank White Acai by Art of Tea
1267 tasting notes

June Wedding! Time for something old, so I found another of my oldest Art of Tea samplers, White Acai, a flavor they have since discontinued.

Like most of the teas I’ve been brewing lately, I made this one cold brewed. The tea brewed up a most lovely very pale yellow, like the color of white corn, and has a somewhat tropical fruity aroma, smelling a bit of berries and pineapple.

The flavor is a fairly soft and delicate fruit tea. It has sort of a soft, sweet raspberry sort of taste to me, with a little bit of subtle currant and pineapple notes later in the sip, and it has some very natural sweet floral notes. It’s quite refreshing, and I actually like that the fruit is a bit softer rather than being really robust; I feel like a lot more of the white tea is actually coming through, and some of the soft fruit and floral notes here are from the base itself. Perhaps it was just my particular sampler, but despite the tea having hibi-hip, there is no tanginess or tartness here at all; in fact, from the sheer near-white color of the brew, I have a hard time believing those ingredients were in the blend at all. It is very naturally sweet! I love my tangy fruit teas, but something light, delicate, and sweet like this is a nice change of pace… I’m a bit sad this tea has been discontinued. I wouldn’t mind having more of this around during the hot summer months. Ah well, at least I still have a large bag of White Hibiscus, which has a very similar flavor (yes, despite the misleading name… seriously, that tea tastes nothing like hibiscus!), albeit a little more floral and a little less fruity than this tea.

Flavors: Black Currant, Floral, Pineapple, Raspberry, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more 4 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

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Hi! I’m Sara, a middle-aged librarian living in southern Idaho, USA. I’m a big ol’ sci-fi/fantasy/anime geek that loves fandom conventions, coloring books, simulation computer games, Japanese culture, and cats. Proud genderqueer asexual (she/they) and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. I’m also a chronic migraineur. As a surprise to no one, I’m a helpless tea addict with a tea collecting and hoarding problem! (It still baffles me how much tea I can cram into my little condo!) I enjoy trying all sorts of teas… for me tea is a neverending journey!

Favorite Flavors:

I love sampling a wide variety of teas! For me the variety is what makes the hobby of tea sampling so fun! While I enjoy trying all different types of teas (pure teas, blends, tisanes), these are some flavors/ingredients I enjoy:
-Sweet/licorice root/stevia
-Bergamot (in moderation)

Disliked Flavors:

There are not many flavors or ingredients that I don’t like. These include:
-Bananas/banana flavoring
-Hemp/CBD teas
-Smoke-scented teas/heavy smoke flavors (migraine trigger)
-Perfumey teas/extremely heavy floral aromas (migraine trigger)
-Gingko biloba (migraine trigger)
-Chamomile (used in blends as a background note/paired with stronger flavors is okay)
-Extremely spicy/heated teas
-Medicinal flavors/Ginseng
-Metallic flavors
-Overly strong artificial flavorings

With the exception of bananas and migraine triggers, I’ll pretty much try any tea at least once!

Steeping Parameters:

I drink tea in a variety of ways! For hot brews, I mostly drink my teas brewed in the western style without additions, and for iced tea, I drink teas mostly brewed in the cold brew style without additions. Occassionally I’ll change that up. I use the https://octea.ndim.space/#/ app for water-to-tea ratios and use steep times to my preferences.

My Rating Scale:

90-100 – Top tier tea! These teas are among my personal favorites, and typically I like to keep them stocked in my cupboards at all times, if possible!

70-89 – These are teas that I personally found very enjoyable, but I may or may not feel inclined to keep them in stock.

50-69 – Teas that fall in this range I enjoyed, but found either average, lacking in some way, or I’ve had a similar tea that “did it better.”

21-49 – Teas in this range I didn’t enjoy, for one reason or another. I may or may not finish them off, depending on their ranking, and feel no inclination to restock them.

20-1 – Blech! My Tea Hall of Shame. These are the teas that most likely saw the bottom of my garbage can, because I’d feel guilty to pass them onto someone else.

Note that I only journal a tea once, not every time I drink a cup of it. If my opinion of a tea drastically changes since my original review, I will journal the tea again with an updated opinion and change my rating. Occassionally I revisit a tea I’ve reviewed before after a year or more has passed.


My Cupboard on Steepster reflects teas that I have sampled and logged for review, and is not used as an inventory for teas I currently own at the present moment. An accurate and up-to-date listing of my current tea inventory can be viewed here: https://tinyurl.com/xjt9ptx3 . I am open to tea trades (within the United States only!) at this time. Note that I will not trade teas that I currently have in a quantity less than 50g (samplers, 1oz packages, etc.) or any teas that are currently still sealed/unopened in my cupboard.

Contact Info:

Feel free to send me a Steepster PM, or alternatively, check the website URL section below; it goes to a contact form that will reach my personal e-mail.


Idaho, United States



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