139 Tasting Notes
Sample package label:
There are good things brewing in the Highlands of Nepal. Like this hand-made black tea, from a family-owned tea garden named Jun Chiyabari.
Ingredients: Black tea from Nepal.
1.5 tsp. / 98*C 2084*F / 4-5 min.
6-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 20 ppm, heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 208*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
1.5 Tevanna teaspoons, without sweeteners, milk or cream.
Introduction: This is my first tasting of a black tea from Nepal. I requested this tea because I like to try different teas to challenge my palate and since it was one of the highest-rated unflavored black DAVIDsTEAs per Steepster. I did not know what to expect. But, due to the 86 point rating, I was expecting an enjoyable tea.
Clear amber hue.
4-min Infusion: This tea had a black tea / honey aroma. The initial taste was rich and smooth with the flavor of honey. However, it may not be quite as full-bodied as an excellent Assam and does not provide an initial full mouth feel as some exceptional unflavored black teas.
5-min: Truly as good as the first cup – Excellent!
2nd Re-steep – 6-min: Nearly as good & still enjoyable! After three cups, there is a wonderful delicate natural sweetness that lingers long on the tongue. Well done!
Impression: A rich and smooth unflavored black tea with the flavor of honey that will go the distance. No additives needed. DAVIDsTEA and the Jun Chiyabari Tea Garden should be proud! – Very Enjoyable!
Many thanks to DAVIDsTEA and Natalie for providing this very generous size free sample. It was very helpful when tasting a truly different unflavored black tea for the first time, especially if more than a tsp/6 oz. is needed.
Sample package label:
Unlike most black teas, these leaves are lightly steamed during processing – a step usually reserved for Japanese green teas. It’s aromatic and rich, with hints of ripe fruit and dark honey.
Organic black tea, slightly steamed from Fujian Province in China.
1.5 tsp. / 94*C 201*F / 5-7 min.
USDA Organic / Canada Organic Biologique / PAREVE”
12-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 19 ppm, heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 201*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
3 Tevanna teaspoons, without sweeteners, milk or cream.
Introduction: This is my first tasting experience with a steamed tea. I requested this tea because I like to try different teas to challenge my palate and since it was one of the highest-rated unflavored black DAVIDsTEAs per Steepster. I did not know what to expect. But, due to the 83 point rating, I was expecting an enjoyable tea.
Note: I wrote this review a few days later from hand written notes I made during the tea tasting.
This tea has a fragrance that reminds me of fine pipe tobacco.
Clear amber brown hue.
5-min Infusion: This tea had a bakery / toasted-nut aroma. The initial taste was not quite full-bodied.
6-min: OK
7-min: A little too long. Strong, brisk, astringent.
6-min: Too light
7-min: More enjoyable – woodsy character
2nd Cup:
5-min Infusion: Astringent, somewhat bitter, with the flavor of dark honey.
This cup was more enjoyable without bitterness or astringency. The dominant flavor was dark honey.
Impression: My initial experience with this steamed black tea seems to be more similar to indigobloom’s experience: http://steepster.com/indigobloom/posts/135009#likes. After reading some of the more positive tasting notes by more experienced reviewers, I would be interested in tasting this tea again using their notes as a guide.
Many thanks to DAVIDsTEA and Natalie for providing this very generous size free sample, which was very helpful when tasting a truly different unflavored black tea for the first time.
Sample package label:
“Ingredients: Pure tea buds and leaves
Original Place: Qimen, Anhui, China
Distributor: Teas and Thes (China) Ltd.
Room 3-241, Hui Zhan Nan Wu Road
Xiamen, Fujian, China
Brew Guide:
Brew at 194*F (90*C) for 2-3 minutes
Free sample not for sale”
Per their website: http://www.teavivre.com/keemun-hao-ya/ this Keemun is a handmade Gongfu process tea that also has EU Organic Certification.
Introduction: Kevin @ The Whistling Kettle first introduced me to Keemun tea: http://steepster.com/looseTman/posts/152917#likes I’ve purchased several pounds from him and have thoroughly enjoyed it. When I saw TeaVivre has four Keemun teas from which to choose, I knew I would have to sample at least one of them. But which one should I choose?
This TeaVivre article http://www.teavivre.com/info/guide-to-choose-high-quality-keemun-black-tea/ explains the differences about three different grades of Keemun teas in great detail. Additionally, TeaVivre also offers an Organic Superfine Keemun Fragrant Black Tea http://www.teavivre.com/keemun-fragrant-black-tea/.
Technique: 8-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 19 ppm, heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 194*F (90*C) – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer.
2 Tevanna teaspoons, without sweeteners, milk or cream.
This tea has a pleasing mild smoky fragrance as well as a fruity fragrance that reminds me of red wine.
Vibrant copper hue
2-min Infusion Initial Impression: The taste is rich and creamy smooth. It’s not at all bitter or astringent. (I then let it steep for an additional minute.)
3-min Infusion: It’s a creamy smooth, well-balanced, full-bodied breakfast tea with a natural caramel-like sweetness, a fruity / wine-like flavor, and a finish that leaves you with a wonderful full mouth feel, which lingers on the tongue for an extended period of time. It’s truly outstanding!
2nd Infusion:
3-min: Initial taste – a longer infusion was needed
4-min: Improving
5-min: It’s a creamy smooth tea with a natural sweet flavor and a finish that leaves you with a wonderful full mouth feel that lingers long on the tongue. – Yes, the 2nd steep was as enjoyable as the first!
Impression: This premium-grade Keemun, clearly sets itself apart from “Keemun Panda #1” in that it is certified organic, provides a natural caramel-like sweetness, and a wonderful full mouth feel, which lingers on the tongue for such an extended period of time.
Congratulations to Mr. Jiang, the tea farmer responsible for this superb Keemun!
“He and his workers are well known to produce some of China’s most sought after Keemun teas, illustrated by their Keemun winning gold medal for best tea at the Shanghai World Expo.”
This is our first TeaVivre black tea and it’s provided a wonderful first-impression. Premium Keemun Hao Ya Black Tea should not be missed! – A truly exceptional Keemun! Very well done!
Thanks to TeaVivre and Angel for providing this free sample.
Sample package label:
“Black tea China
Naturally sweet and smooth with a touch of earthiness. Comprised of only the highest quality leaves and buds, expertly rolled into a pearl-like shape. Subtle cocoa notes whisper gently as each pearl unfurls delivering a superior tea experience not to be missed.
Preparation: (1 cup): 1 heaping tspoon, 95C(203F), 3 min
Recommended to steep 2-3 times for different nuances of flavor.”Technique: 6-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 19 ppm, heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 203*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer. 1 heaping Tevanna teaspoon, without sweeteners, milk or cream.
This tea has an earthy / woodsy fragrance.
Brown hue
First 3-min Infusion:
This is a smooth, earthy, full-bodied tea with a natural sweetness and light notes of cocoa. It did not have any bitterness or astringency.
2nd 3-min Infusion:
A little less full-bodied, but just as enjoyable as the first cup.
3rd 5-min Infusion:
A little less full-bodied, but still enjoyable – a pleasant surprise.
2nd Cup
4-min Infusion:
Same experience as the first cup, but with more body a more well-rounded natural sweetness. Once again, there was no bitterness or astringency.
Impression: An excellent, smooth, earthy, full-bodied tea with a natural sweetness and without any bitterness or astringency that will go the distance. Well Done!
Thanks to Zen Tea Life for providing this free sample.
Sample package label:
Lovers of Earl Grey adore this creamy alternative to the original blend. We’ve added a touch of vanilla for an unexpectedly rich, creamy taste experience.
Ingredients – Organic: Black tea, marigolds, cornflowers. With natural and organic flavoring.
1.5 tsp. / 98*C 208*F / 3-5 min.
USDA Organic / Canada Organic Biologique / PAREVE”
6-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 19 ppm, heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 208*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
1 Heaping Tevanna teaspoon
Introduction: I understand Cream of Earl Grey from DAVIDsTEA is a blend of organic Sri Lankan and Chinese black teas. Most EG teas have a 100% Sri Lankan (Ceylon) base. Having the addition of a Chinese black tea, was a significant reason for wanting to sample this EG tea. Our current EG has a Ceylon base and I can’t get past the astringency. Other primary reasons: My wife loves EG and prefers organic teas.
This tea has a vanilla / floral fragrance, which is different than a classic lemony Earl Grey.
Dark brown hue.
3-min & 4-min Infusions: The initial taste at both these time points was too light.
First 5-min Infusion:
There was a strong vanilla & floral aroma, but we didn’t detect a lemony aroma as is typical of a classic Earl Grey.
This tea was very smooth and rich with a strong vanilla & floral taste and a very subdued oil of Bergamot lemon flavor. There was no hint of bitterness. There was a moderate amount of astringency, as compared to our current Earl Grey Cream from Whistling Kettle. The reduced level of astringency appears to be consistent with this EG tea’s reduced level of Sri Lankan black tea.
2nd 5-min Infusion:
The second infusion was enjoyable. I was surprised that the flavoring was still present.
Impression: This tea is a good choice for creamy vanilla lovers who also appreciate strong floral notes.
For those who prefer a classic lemony Oil of Bergamot flavor:
“It’s complicated.” The additional natural ingredients that give this Earl Grey its rich full-bodied taste are much stronger than the classic Oil of Bergamot EG flavor. Achieving just the right balance must be quite a challenge as the number of ingredients increases. DAVIDsTEA also offers an Earl Grey.
Suggestion: For those like my wife who love the classic EG aroma & flavor, DavidsTea may also wish to develop another version of their Cream of Earl Grey where the oil of bergamot is as strong as the other natural ingredients – a Cream of Classic Earl Grey.
Many thanks to DAVIDsTEA and Natalie for providing this very generous size free sample.
This tea is pretty strong made by the pot. I never would have thought of making it in a Gaiwan with short timed infusions. Earl Grey is a ‘by the pot’ type of tea. Did you try it the traditional way, or suggested way? (I only use it to flavor puddings and in cooking because the flavor is so strong…so I do see what you mean by it not being a true EG).
We typically brew a pot of EG. However, since we are currently sampling many different teas, I brewed it by the cup and tasted it at the DAVIDsTEA recommended time points. I imagine that by the pot, all the natural flavors of this Cream of Earl Grey would be stronger and the vanilla / floral flavors are strong enough by the cup.
Sample package label:
“This Darjeeling is a bright, woodsy and earthy, with notes of honey, fresh mushrooms and meadow flower. Parve.
1.25 teaspoon, 98*C (208*F), 5 min.”
Per http://www.davidstea.com/second-flush-darjeeling?&TF=77477126A52D&DEID=:
“Darjeeling is known as the “champagne” of teas: if it doesn’t come from India’s Darjeeling region, you aren’t allowed to use the name. That might be why the best Darjeelings taste just like the mountains they were grown on. While the first leaves in the spring tend to be delicate and almost green in flavour, second flush Darjeelings generally have a richer, darker taste. This one is bright, woodsy and earthy, with notes of honey, fresh mushrooms and meadow flowers – like a forest getaway in a cup.
Second flush Darjeeling tea (grade FTGFOP 1) from Darjeeling, India.
How to prepare
1 tsp / 98°C / 208°F / 5 min”
Heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 208*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
Steeped the entire 5 g tea sample in 12-oz for 5 minutes, then poured two six ounce servings.
Tasted without sweeteners, milk or cream.
The tea had a light woodsy/earthy fragrance.
Amber brown hue
First Infusion – 5-min:
This tea a light woodsy/earthy fragrance. It’s a full-bodied tea without any bitterness and a clean fresh finish. There was a slight but pleasurable hint of astringency.
2nd Infusion – 6-min:
A tad less full-bodied, with a slight trace of astringency but just as enjoyable as the first cup.
3rd Infusion – 7-min:
Too weak for an enjoyable 3rd infusion.
Impression: An excellent, full-bodied tea without any bitterness, a mild pleasurable astringency and a clean fresh finish. Well Done!
Thanks to DAVIDsTEA for providing this free sample.
Sample package: 2” x 2” clear plastic zip-lock – 2 level tsp
Label: “JE T’AIME” (No ingredients listed. No brewing instructions.)
Per http://www.ninasparis.com/en/pro_tea0.html:
“Le celèbre thé JE T’AIME
Vanilla, caramel
A voluptuous tea with the sweet taste of vanilla and all the tenderness of caramel. A blend that will envelop you in gentleness and warmth.”
Thanks to Laurent at Nina’s Paris Tea Store USA
for the recommended brewing instructions: 1 rounded tsp / 195*F / 6oz / 2.5 min.
Water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 23 ppm
Heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 195*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
Steeped the entire tea sample in 12-oz for 2.5 minutes, then poured two six ounce servings.
This tea has a potent caramel vanilla fragrance.
2.5-min Infusion: The aroma followed the caramel vanilla fragrance. Similarly, the flavor followed both the fragrance & the aroma. The caramel vanilla flavor was so dominate that I cannot easily comment on the character of the base tea other than to say that it was not at all bitter or astringent and had a clean finish. Perhaps a longer infusion time may have allowed the base tea to more fully develop. Since the tea was very sweet, I wasn’t inclined to steep it longer.
Impression: A smooth, very sweet desert tea.
Suggestions: Perhaps Nina’s Paris might consider recommending a longer infusion time or a little less flavoring to allow more of the merits of the tea to shine through.
Thanks to Nina’s Paris for providing this free sample.
Sample package: 2” x 2” clear plastic zip-lock – 2 level tsp
Label: “Earl Grey.” (No ingredients listed. No brewing instructions.)
Per http://www.ninasparis.com/en/pro_tea0.html:
Bergamot from Sicily
The smoothness of Keemun together with the freshness of bergamot. An ancient recipe that was handed down by a high dignitary of China to Earl Charles Grey. A classic that definitely shouldn’t be missed.”
Thanks to Laurent at Nina’s Paris Tea Store USA
for the recommended brewing instructions:
1 rounded tsp / 195*F / 6oz / 2.5 min.
6-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 22 ppm
Heated to 212*F and allowed to cool to 195*F – verified with DAVIDsTEA digital thermometer
1 rounded teaspoon
Stepped for 2.5 mins.
Introduction: Most EG teas come from Shi Lanka formerly known as Ceylon. Having a Keemun base (a favorite tea of mine), was a significant reason for wanting to sample this tea. Our current EG has a Ceylon base and I can’t get past the astringency. Other primary reason: My wife loves EG.
This tea has a lemony Earl Grey fragrance that’s slightly stronger than the Keemun base.
Amber hue
2.5-min Infusion: My wife noted an initial peppery/thyme-like aroma. I noted that the aroma of the tea was stronger than the light oil of bergamot lemon sent. Some Keemun teas have a smokey aroma. Perhaps this characteristic was competing with the lemon aroma?
Similarly, the taste followed the aroma. The Keemun stands out above the light oil of bergamot lemon flavor. This Earl Grey was very smooth, not at all bitter or astringent with a clean finish.
Impression: A very smooth muted Earl Grey tea.
Suggestions: Perhaps Nina’s Paris might consider adding more of the wonderful Sicilian Bergomot to this very smooth Keemun. Another possibility might be to select a less aromatic Keemun or a Yunnan Dian Hong style black tea instead.
Thanks to Nina’s Paris for providing this free sample.
Sample package label:
“USDA Organic
*Heat water to boil
*use 1 level teaspoon of leaves per 8 oz.
*pour water over leaves, brew 4-5 mins.
Ingredients: Organic Chinese Black Tea (Golden Monkey)”
6-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 18 ppm, boiled, allowed to cool to ~200*F
(After yesterday’s experience with Nilgiri tea from Teas Etc., and given the cost of this tea ($81./lb.), I didn’t want to risk using this sample to find out that 8 oz. of water is too much.)
1 level Tevanna teaspoon, without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
This tea has a wonderful fragrance that reminds me of fine pipe tobacco.
Amber hue
3-min Infusion Initial Impression: The taste is light-bodied and creamy smooth. It’s not at all bitter or astringent. (I then let it steep for an additional minute.)
4-min: It’s a creamy smooth medium-bodied tea with a caramel-like natural sweet flavor and a finish that leaves you with a wonderful full mouth feel that lingers long on the tongue. (I’m glad I chose to use only 6 oz. of water.)
2nd Infusion: 212*F, allowed to cool briefly until steaming hot
5-min: It’s a creamy smooth medium-bodied tea with a caramel-like natural sweet flavor and a finish that leaves you with a wonderful full mouth feel that lingers long on the tongue. – Yes, the 2nd steep was as good as the first!
3rd Infusion: 212*F, allowed to cool briefly until steaming hot
5-min: Noticeably lighter but still enjoyable. (I then let it steep for an additional minute.)
6-min: Somewhat light, but still enjoyable.
Impression: This is my first Golden Monkey black tea and a wonderful first-impression and one that should not be missed! – Excellent!
Thanks to Teas Etc. for providing this free sample.
2/2/14 Update:
Teas Etc. now offers “Golden Monkey Superior”, which is not USDA organic certified but is EU compliant.
Flavors: Caramel
Thank you for your very kind comment. I’ve also enjoyed following your enthusiastic tea journey on Steepster and its given me some helpful information for mine. Kudos! Congrats also on your young son!
Sample package label:
“USDA Organic
*Heat water to boil
*use 1 level teaspoon of leaves per 8 oz.
*pour water over leaves, brew 4-5 mins.
Ingredients: Organic Indian Black Tea”
8-oz water with total dissolved solids (TDS) of 22 ppm, boiled
1 level Tevanna teaspoon
This tea has a light grassy fragrance.
Amber hue
4-min Infusion Initial Impression: The taste is light-bodied, smooth, not bitter or astringent with a clean finish. (I then let it steep for an additional minute.)
5-min Infusion: It has a smooth light- to medium-bodied flavor that’s not at all bitter or astringent with a clean finish. (I then let it steep for an additional minute.)
6-min Infusion: It has a nearly medium-bodied flavor with an initial bitterness that has faded as it has cooled. It’s not astringent and has a clean finish. A five minute infusion is probably best.
Given how my experience didn’t match this tea’s description, I tried again:
2nd Cup: 212*F, 6 oz., 1 level tsp.
5-min Infusion: It has a smooth nearly full-bodied flavor that’s not at all bitter or astringent with a clean finish – Much improved versus 8 oz. of water. However, it doesn’t provide a full mouth feel or a rich/creamy flavor.
Impression: This is my first straight Nilgiri black tea. For a breakfast tea, I typically prefer a fuller-bodied rich black tea. As such, I would welcome an opportunity to taste an Assam and a Keemun from Teas Etc. I also have an unopened sample of Golden Monkey from Teas Etc. that’s much more likely to be “my cup of tea”.
Thanks to Teas Etc. for providing this free sample.