“What’s in your cup?”
This morning, courtesy of Natalie & DAVIDsTEA, I brewed Wild Black Yunnan Western style: 1.25 tsp (3.5g) / 8 oz / 208*F / 4-6 min. without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Leaf: Fine, twisted, dark brown, mostly short, but some as long as 2.5 mm
Fragrance: Notes fine pipe tobacco
Liquor: Beautiful clear dark copper
Aroma: Sweet potatoes & caramel
Flavor: Cocoa & malt
4-min.: Moderately full-bodied, I then let it steep an additional min.
5-min.: A rich, smooth, full-bodied malty tea with potent cocoa and notes of sweet potatoes with a mild sweetness. There was no hint of bitterness or astringency.
6-min Re-steep: Too light so I let it steep another 4 minutes.
10-min. Re-steep: Light-to-medium bodied with a much softer cocoa flavor but still enjoyable with a smooth mild sweetness.
Impression: A very enjoyable breakfast tea especially for malty cocoa lovers.
Thanks to Natalie & DAVIDsTEA for their gracious sample of this very fine Wild Black Yunnan.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/29177-finum-brewing-basket.
Flavors: Cocoa, Malt
Sounds beautiful.
I hope, someday, I will be able to write such excellent reviews
Mine are a bit simplistic compared to yours ;-)
Thank you! However, there are many ways to write informative reviews from highly detailed to very concise.
I love your profile pic…
I just noticed you spoke of the Nut hatch in your profile.
Are you and your wife both bird watchers?
I love birds, but many I do not know by name.
I like to quiz my Dad on the names :-)
Birds are so beautiful…my Dad knows them by sight & sound.
Sounds beautiful.
I hope, someday, I will be able to write such excellent reviews
Mine are a bit simplistic compared to yours ;-)
Thank you! However, there are many ways to write informative reviews from highly detailed to very concise.
You are very kind
I love your profile pic…
I just noticed you spoke of the Nut hatch in your profile.
Are you and your wife both bird watchers?
I love birds, but many I do not know by name.
I like to quiz my Dad on the names :-)
Birds are so beautiful…my Dad knows them by sight & sound.
Yes, we are. I acquired a life-long intrest from my mom.