1473 Tasting Notes
Second steep is just as yummy, I added too much sugar, I need to start slowly weaning me off of a teaspoon of sugar for every cup of tea. Maybe after I’ve mastered steeping and resteeping, I’ll move on to sweetening ;). But the leaves are still going strong, and I think I’ve got at least one more steep, if not two, in them.
Tasty! I love a good, tasty tea, and this is definitely a hit! I am in dire need of a yummy pick me up this morning, I’m very glad we picked up a bag of this last night. Tasty, tasty, tasty. Definitely a tea to keep in the rotation. I plan to resteep it alllll day.
Got this to try as my to-go tea after our DT stop today…so very yummy! Much love for this drink, will definitely look into buying a bag of it. It’s a bit pricey, but I think well worth it…especially if it can help me fight this cold that’s coming.
I have to be honest. I have yet to find a way to brew or sweeten this tea so that I can drink it (though I’m intrigued by the shorter steep time mentioned by the other reviewer and might give that a try). I just plain don’t like it.
However, I do use it fairly often in my cooking. Last night I used it in Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Pie (a Shepard’s Pie recipe from the comic books) and it definitely enhanced the flavour…the more of the pie I ate, the more I enjoyed it. This isn’t a tea I’ll be replacing when it runs out, but it really is quite tasty when paired with beef in a dish.
Sooooo nummy. We got a little bag of this at the beginning of the month and as soon as we were near a store again, we bought a tin. So very yummy. Still one of my favourites. Tomorrow my co-blogger and I are having a tea-cooking day and I am so looking forward to playing with this tea’s flavours. This was definitely a good choice for my tea of the day today.
This is the tea that made my wife fall in love with tea. It is so yummy, but goes bitter very easily. I was avoiding it because it seemed no matter what I used, tea bag, ball, or infuser, tea escaped and by the time I got around to drinking it (I like my tea lukewarm), it was too bitter.
But yesterday my wonderful wife surprised me with a looseleaf brewer and it seems to be making the difference! I only steeped it for 3 minutes, might go longer next time, and it is so yummy. Reminds me of why I fell for them in the first place. Also, the tea is gorgeous as it steeps…I’m now transfixed every time I steep a cup of tea, I love this brewer.
There are others I prefer, but it is definitely time to bring the cream of earl grey back to the table.