
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Chamomile, Goji Berries, Licorice Root, Orange Peel, Peppermint, Rose Hips
Licorice, Lemongrass, Mint, Sweet, Orange Zest, Peppermint, Citrusy, Floral
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 384 ml

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91 Tasting Notes View all


Secret of the opera

When Pavarotti needed to ease a sore throat, he called for tea. Some say it was hot. Others swear it was cold. We think he probably drank it both ways. And that he would have loved this tisane. It’s packed with licorice, chamomile, rosehip, orange peel and peppermint, as well as delicious goji berries. Perfect hot or iced. Caffeine free. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Licorice root, chamomile, rosehips, orange peel, peppermint, goji berries.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

91 Tasting Notes

16936 tasting notes

Sweet Licorice!

In a timolino, at work for closing paperwork/the trip home. I found that this was especially soothing on my throat, which was a little sore for all the consistent talking all day. I may make this a work regular, for that reason alone.

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1473 tasting notes

I return! Work has been overwhelming, but then the death fairy came down and got me a few days off. Yesterday my doctor told me that not only do I have bronchitis, I also have pneumonia (exacerbated by asthma we didn’t know I had) and an ear infection. Yay! But, on the bright side, I’ve been told I’m not allowed to work again until after Christmas, so yay for a holiday on bedrest? As long as I’m better in time for the cruise we leave for on December 30th, I’m good. Also, the ultimate punishment? A shipment of 20 new teas from Della Terra teas that I cannot smell. GAH.

This tea is a life saver. I must have had three pots of it yesterday. It soothes my coughing fits and makes it so I can swallow again. Love, love, love this tea. DavidsTea, where would I be without you?

Ashley Bain

dang. feel better!

Daisy Chubb

chug chug chug! Sending you some good healthy energy for your cruuuise!


Hope you feel better! That sounds terrible. But a cruise is something awesome to look forward to!

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1186 tasting notes

This just called my name tonight :) i had lots of saltiness at dinner (out for beers and truffle fries and sausages with the bf and another friend) and this had just the right amount of sweet plus mint to make it relaxing and fresh for tonight. It won over sweet dreams (too much chamomile and fennel) and MLH (mostly mint). Excellent balance in this one! I imagine this would be good on the throat if im sick, but I’ve just had it because my friend charchar enjoys it quite a lot and was amazed I hadn’t tried it. Anyways, this is a decent herbal, nice to add to my before bed varieties as well! I’ll write a more detailed note when i’m not so sleepy lol.

Aimee Popovacki

what are truffle fries.. they sound fantastic if they are waht i am thinking they are haha


Haha they actually weren’t that exciting, just regular and sweet potato fries with sea salt and a white truffle dip, which tasted quite lemony and good :) a tasty snack, but I thought they’d be more exciting as well lol

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62 tasting notes

Woke up this morning feeling absolutely awful. I’ve got my first cold of the season. And all I could think is I need this tea. The peppermint helps alot with the soar throat and the sweetness after is just right. This is the perfect drink when you have a cold tea.


Aww, hope you feel better soon, Cedes.

Terri HarpLady

I hope it helps, & I hope you feel better.

Autistic Goblin

I hope you feel better soon! (I don’t want it) :D


Awe thanks guys:) I hope its just a 24hr bug.


i Know the feeling! my first cold (september way to soon for a cold.. ) is near its end maybe one or two more day Hope you feel better soon ! ( or that its was in fact a 24hr bug )


Hope you get well fast!


Oh I’m sorry you’re sick. Grandma Bonnie says go to bed!


Awe thanks guys. All I’ve been doing all day is laying in bed, drinking tea and snuggling with my puppies.

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51 tasting notes

This was interesting, tried this as a taster when I walked into David’s tea this morning. It was pretty cool because of the orange peel and the zesty taste just immediatly makes me love it. This tea had something happening from the begining to the end. At the begining it had the zesty summery smell with what appeared to be at the time a candy cane minty aroma, when I first took the first sip… A bold chamomile taste with a little bit of orange peel. second sip.. More orange peel than chamomile… Third sip.. Peppermint- mint lozenge-like taste. What was unique as the after taste was of bold licorice! NICE! I love licorice. However if you are not a fan of licorice, (like my mom who tried this tea with me) then you might immediatly pick up on the licorice and not really like it. All in all, for me, a nice tea that was party in the front, business in the back. Like an inverse mullet.

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513 tasting notes

I can tell the holidays are coming to a close, already I woke up this morning with a sore throat that I am sure is just my anticipation of heading back into the germ circus that is the classroom. I don’t actually often really get sore throats, but when I do, this has become my go to tea to fix it. Between the licorice root and the chamomile, I can not believe how sweet this tea tastes. I find the overall flavour is actually fairly mild. This isn’t a tea that I would necessarily want to drink every single day, but I don’t mind it when I am not feeling well and it really does seem to help a bit with a sore throat.


Feel better soon!


Thank-you! :)

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516 tasting notes

I’m getting sick :(
So I bought this and gail’s cold remedy so I could still drink tea while not being able to taste. It’s cruel really, with all of these samples surrounding me. le sigh.

Okay, so it’s nice. I like chamomile but not the hugest licorice fan (I actually think the crazy amout of licorice in most chamomile teas is what turns some people off of chamo, just sayin). So it’s a little too licorice-after-tasty for me but it’ll do.

It is very nice at soothing the throat, and it’s full of great awesome healthy things, but I can only handle the taste if it’s piping hot or ice cold. Oh well!


I mixed Bravissimo with Gail’s Cold Remedy the other day. The licorice/mint flavours were kind of overpowering but it sure held the cold off.
Hope you feel better soon.

Daisy Chubb

I mixed them today too! The licorice overpowers for sure, but it was a nice mix while it was hot :) Thanks, I feel better already, and I hope everything goes well with your cake adventure! Think of it as an adventure (albeit a stressful one), I’m sure everything will work out in the end :)


Glad you are feeling better. I am sure the cake is going to be ok. I just panicked that it isn’t perfect but the tier will get covered.

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Slight bitter tinge from the orange peel. I really like the combination of licorice root and chamomile. Hint of floral note from the rosehips. I cannot detect any goji berries. The peppermint is a nice complement to the flavour profile.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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174 tasting notes

I’ll start off by saying I don’t mind chamomile, and sometimes I rather enjoy it. So, I open the package and smell chamomile, not bad. I can see other things floating around in there too. I steep some up and smell…you guessed it, Chamomile. I take a sip and I taste chamomile with some citrus and mint, not too bad. I swallow, and there was the mistake. I am immediately kicked in the face of the licorice aftertaste. Holy cow is that stuff sweet and just ick. I think, well maybe it’ll grow on me. So, I take a few more sips and in turn am kicked in the back of the throat by this licorice. It just kind of hangs out, sticking to the back of my throat. This aftertaste destroyed this cup. Because I apparently do not enjoy licorice in my tea (first time trying it in tea) I will not rate this, it would just be too low and bring the ratings down. Good note though is that my mom’s birthday is coming up and I did tell her I was going to get her some tea! I already did, but a little more won’t hurt :)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I’m glad I’m not your mom if you’re giving her this! Get a card! ;)

Invader Zim

I found that she enjoys some teas that I don’t and even if she doesn’t like this one I can find someone else who will like it (hopefully)! But I did get her an Assam, a Nilgiri, and a Wuyi Oolong and a Penn State hoodie that she has been bugging me for!


Ah. the hoodie! At that, I opt for pizza and beer forget the tea! (Kidder)

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96 tasting notes

The problem, I find, with most chamomile blend teas is that they taste…like chamomile. Honestly, no matter how well blended the tea is or how many other flavours are packed in, generally the chamomile is all that really reaches you.

I didn’t have that problem with this tea. I had it hot, without any sweeteners (honestly, it doesn’t need them, it sweetens itself, it seems). There is plenty going on, with the orange peel, the licorice and…and the peppermint. The chamomile isn’t lost, but it actually seems blended well with the other flavours, not just masked, and it isn’t overpowering.

Word of warning: If you don’t care too much for licorice, this might be a tea you’d like to avoid. It doesn’t taste too much like licorice, but as others have commented, it does a bit of an aftertaste/affect associated with that flavour.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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