Started my day with this using yesterday’s leaf. I really could have used less leaf I suppose. Of course had I used less I might not be getting such good results. I bet there is an inch of leaf in the bottom of my press and some of the pigtails have still not unfurled. The ones that have relaxed are huge leaf. Today I started with a 45 second steep. The brew is still deep golden in color and still has a smoky aroma. There is no bitterness and even the sheng brightness is well behaved. Today this is nutty like almonds and melts into a green planty aftertaste that is almost like oolong. I am still getting a lot of cheek tingle and the dryness that comes with it. The brew is smooth and thick feeling.
I am almost a complete novice at puerh. I know what I like and know enough to say for me sheng is a more complex cup whereas shu tends to be stronger flavored. This sheng does not have the sharp edges or brightness of most young raw puerh. It is pretty mellow. Some of the notes are passing and subtle while others are obvious to me. All in all one of the most interesting raw puerhs I have experienced.
Over leaf and over steep!
I kind of like my shengs oversteeped, shhh ;)