So one of the perks of working in customer service, especially front desk as in my current employment, is that you actually get to know people. Well enough that people now ask me how many teas I brought to work today (one day I had at least 6 of my Timolinos lined up at the front to make a gorgeous rainbow – people kept asking if they were for sale… :P DavidsTea should really be paying me for this advertising, since I keep directing people there to buy them if interested…). Anyhow, one of the regular ladies apparently also quite likes tea! And gets her brother to bring tea over (by the carton) from the US when he visits. This is one of her favourites, so she brought me an individually-wrapped teabag to try out. I was super curious, because I’ve read quite a bit about turmeric tea in the last while, but haven’t bothered to try it quite yet – so this was my chance!
Now to the tea – the teabag was one of those silken types, and had I more time, I probably would have transferred it to an infuser, but I was in a rush, because work. Anyways, it was yellow and powdery from the turmeric, and powerfully gingery. Steeped, it smelled kind of herbally, and I was kind of concerned about how the flavour would be… with good reason, because honestly, it was a bit strange. EXCEPT! Omg, the aftertaste. I don’t normally like licorice root, but combined with the ginger in this tea, it was so good. It took a few seconds to hit, but when it did, it was powerfully sweet and gingery before fading into a lingering sweetness. I will admit to gulping the tea solely for the aftertaste, so I really didn’t savour it at all. It wasn’t objectionable, though, just fairly boring other than that lovely, perfect ginger sweetness. A resteep brought out more ginger, and the sweetness was still good, but 2 infusions was probably enough for that teabag.
Overall, if you’re drinking this to sip, it’s maybe a bit boring. If you’re going for health properties and/or the ginger sweetness? Probably a good choice.
I’ve seen the turmeric ginger combo in tea pop up a lot in the last month or so. Got to try some from an Austin company. It was super interesting but not my thing.