I don’t exactly know what to think of this one. We went there to check out a couple of teas, so Jon tried one of the other new ones, and I got this one. I normally try all my new teas hot and plain. I did ask how the associate had tried this one, she said she prefers it in blends to lend a creamy sweetness. One of her suggestions was brewing this with a cinnamony tea (I forget which one she said) since that tasted like a cinnamon roll in her opinion.
I’ve only had about half of my cup, but I plan on popping the rest in the fridge. It might be the way the papaya is playing into this that’s not really doing it for me. Perhaps if it were strawberry instead… Oh well
ETA: The cold version isn’t winning me over either :/
I just got this because I figured I’d put it w/the Strawberry Blush or whatever they’re calling that one now. The associate had put Youthberry with it and was singing its praises.