This is one of the first teas that I’m having in a long time that doesn’t have flavoring. I want to try more teas that have not a chemical flavor (either natural or artificial), but just tea and something (if that makes sense).
This Sakura Black was at the tea shop when I went last week. They’re only selling it by the ounce, and pre-packaged. It smells really good in the package…definitely a different type of cherry-smell coming out of the package. So, I forked over the $8.99 for it (which was definitely expensive!).
The tea is a light brown color. I carefully added the liquid stevia, and I’m pretty sure I added less than I usually do. I don’t really care for tea straight, and always sweeten it. I figure I should ENJOY what I’m drinking, eh? There is a very subtle cherry flavor. The tea base is not too strong and is not bitter at all. I really only get the subtle cherry in the aftertaste.
I feel like the exquisiteness of it might be lost on me, but I’m enjoying what I’m drinking, and will have to re-steep soon. Also, keep in mind that I’m at work, and have to use the hot water that they provide. Although it comes from the same machine as the coffee makers, it doesn’t share the same spout, so it never tastes like coffee, but I’m sure it’s not at boiling (although it is fairly hot, even with the coffee sleeve on the cup).
I’m looking forward to re-steeping…maybe more of the cherry will come out?
More of the cherry did come out as it cooled, and in the second steeping.