Free sample yay.
Light and mild tasting tea. Sweet, lots of stonefruit notes (apricot, peach). It’s very delicate, smooth, almost creamy mouth feeling. I didn’t know the health benefits of osmanthus until I just looked it up. I would say health benefits or not, this is a delightful, smooth, floral apricot tea. Lung health, sedative effects, detoxifies, appetite suppression and more. The green tea base carries the osmanthus perfectly. I “think” I’ve only had osmanthus oolong and this is my first green tea base. Not sure though. I have only tried a few osmanthus teas but they tend to be a little too sweet for me and this one is not. It’s a naturally sweet taste and the green tea base is very smooth. As I progressed, it became more and more floral (not perfumey) but the apricots and peaches remained through the rest of the infusions.
Porcelain gaiwan, 6g, 175F, 5 sec rinse, 8 steeps: 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 50s, 60s. 2m.
Flavors: Apricot, Floral, Flowers, Osmanthus, Peach, Stonefruit, Sweet
Oh, osmanthus green. I have an osmanthus oolong on the way. I may also have to try this!
derk, it’s brand new. It’s in their March 2019 new arrivals. I ordered their new Roasted Colored Species but didn’t know about this till the sample. I wish I got the Dark Star, limited edition but didn’t see that either when I made my order, doh. lol