Updating my notes. I read this was Scott’s blend. Revisiting this daily drinker. So, on this quiet Christmas afternoon, I dropped the temperature down a bit and it was far less bitter. I also don’t have a stuffy nose this time from allergies so maybe I could enjoy it a bit more. :P
Floral, fresh grass, honey sweetness, green wood, sugarcane, stonefruits, peachiness, umami, brothy, medium to thick mouthfeel, little bitterness with astringency but balanced, pleasant. Longlasting finish.
Porcelain gaiwan, 5g, 190˚F, 15 steeps: rinse, 10s, 13s, 16s, 19s, 22s, 25s,28s, 31s, 34s, 37s, 40s, 43s, 46s, 49s, 52s
Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Floral, Freshly Cut Grass, Fruity, Green Wood, Hay, Honey, Peach, Stonefruit, Thick, Umami