I love fall because it involves so many of my favorite things: carving pumpkins, toasting pumpkin seeds, enjoying beautiful fall colors, and of course my mom’s apple pie. I was super excited to try this tea because the last apple green tea I tried I absolutely love, and anyone who knows me knows that I fall head over heels for apples. One might call me an apple thief (Scrubs reference if you’re a fan!!)
This tea smells fantastic! Cinnamony and a tarty-sour apple smell (much like baking apples) and of course that lovely green tea aroma. The taste if very pleasant and light, which is what I like since I’m one of those people who always puckers up when drinking juice or cider. I am convinced that I can switch around how I brew this to get even better results. It honestly tastes very similar to the other apple green tea I have, with the addition of cinnamon. Oh boy I can feel an addiction coming on…