I got this from MissB pretty recently!
I got some teas from her that were good for only one serving and I weighed them, and they were 4g samples. This one looks like it’s only good for one serving so I’m hoping that it’s 4g as well! I’m attempting to split this into 2 cups. This cup only has 1g of leaves and it’s in a 5oz teacup but I only filled it halfway so I’m hoping this’ll be enough!
Dude. It smells really nice thought. I was on the Kusmi site earlier (explanation down below) and this seems like it’s a fairly popular blend. This is the first time I’ve had Kusmi before, and right now they seem pretty amazing since this tea smells SOO GOOOD.
I’m not the biggest fan of ginger teas, but this one actually smells appetizing. It smells so bright and the ginger enhances the tea, rather than covers it up.
Drinking it, the ginger is definitely present, but it’s not the main focus. WAIT. I LOOKED AT INGREDIENTS AND THERE’S NO GINGER IN THIS. REWIND. So the stuff that I see is most likely licorice root. No wonder it had a sweeter taste :) I actually kinda like this. It has a bit of a bite, but this blend makes a great cuppa :) It just has a weird aftertaste that I can’t quite pinpoint. Ahh well. I’ve got probably 3g of this left so I’ll figure it out during my sipdown!
Okay you have no idea how excited I am for my trip to SF at the end of the month okay. So I’m totally going to San Francisco with my cousin and it’s going to be a massive Tea trip. We’re going to go to the Bloomingdales mall and visit DAVIDs and Lupicia and I’m obviously going to spend a whole lot of money there HA. And I’m treating her to Samovar near the Metreon.
I should be writing my paper right now buuut… I kinda got distracted and looked at tea and now I’m on the Kusmi site and THEY SELL KUSMI TEAS AT THAT EXACT BLOOMINGDALES!?!??!?! Yeah I totally can’t afford Bloomingdales, but I’ll visit just for Kusmi :))
((I was totally going to drink another tea from my aunt’s pantry, but as I was looking for the caffeine content of that tea, I saw the expiration date and it was good till 2009… umm yeah, I’d rather not drink expired tea and die right before finals, thank you very much.))
Ugh, I know! I need to stop spending money on tea though since that SF trip is… I already know I’m going to spend a lot of money in the city so I’ll save my online Kusmi order for their next sale or something :)
Kusmi has free shipping on any order till Wednesday;)
Ugh, I know! I need to stop spending money on tea though since that SF trip is… I already know I’m going to spend a lot of money in the city so I’ll save my online Kusmi order for their next sale or something :)
Hah! That tin is getting around! :D