So, I just got my sample order from Golden Moon. I love the box and seeing all the tea varieties made me so excited. Here is my first. Brewed at below boiling (unsure of temp- how do you all tell the temp?) and for about 3 minutes.
Ok, I love anise but the sent of it mixing with the sweetish component of the white tea reminds me too much of my herbal tea for sore throat which then reminds me of being sick…
Ok, the taste is much better then I expected. It doesn’t have that sickening sweet taste the herbal one had. It’s actually quite soothing. I actually never had white tea before but I imagine what I’m tasting is the white tea with the smallest hint of anise (although if I hadn’t known what it was I wouldn’t have been able to tell it was anise). It’s a really gentle tea. I’m surprised. I kind of like it. I’m not sure if I like it enough to order it. The scent bothers me too. I would drink it if I ordered another sample or if it was offered but I think I can find a gentle relaxing tea that I like better.
Interesting though, when I picked out this sample to try today, I was expecting something more filling/energizing- more anise. Not bad though.
Second steep: Sent still bothers me. This one is more of a licorice flavor and while I love eating anise/licorice, this really reminds me too much of being sick. I’m ending here.
3 min, 0 sec