Honestly, I’m not sure how I got this, but since I had my first work from home day at my new job, i decided to give something new a whirl (since I’ve been stuck on Teavana Spiced Apple Cider + Rooibos Chai) or bagged tea at work until they determine I’m not a weirdo.
Seriously don’t know how I got this, but I had an ounce of it to begin with in an official Rishi bag. This was on top of my cabinet which also happens to house tea but happened before my tea obsession so I probably stuck it up there since I didn’t know where exactly to put it.
Anyway, is this chocolate chai?
It’s basically ginger chai. So if ginger is your thing, you’ll love this. Me, on the other hand seems to hate ginger in tea (though I do like it on my sushi – the pickled variety though). This to me was barely drinkable. I got about half-way down my mug, before dumping it for the Teavana blend I mentioned above. Also, they recommend 2 Tablespoons on the front (for 12oz of water), I used 3 teaspoons. I cannot imagine how much more I would have hated it if I had followed directions!
Not a fan, but I don’t think I paid for it, so all is not lost.
Managed to pawn this off to my husband’s coworkers so yay! Out of my cupboard! =)