218 Tasting Notes
Another from my swap with azzrian. Thanks!
So, apparently pumpkin chais and I aren’t friends. This is the second one I’ve had, and both times I’ve not detected much chai, and definitely no pumpkin. The black base is fine, drinkable and not bitter, but as a flavored black its missing the flavour. I might on gift this to a friend, see if they like it.
Pleas don’t worry azzrian, I love trying all the new teas you’ve sent, and I’m sure someone else will love it!
Weird day – I made fabulous sweet potato, aioli and avocado burgers last night, but something didn’t agree with me and I’ve been looking like I’m 4 months pregnant ever since. Ugh.
Anywho, I’ve been drinking this all day, multiple steeps from the same leaves. Holds up quite well! I also think I prefer this at 70-75oC rather than 80. Reduces any suggestion of bitterness. Lovely.
Another of the teas from my swap with Azzrian.
I got home from a morning bike ride to my barre class, then some farmer’s market shopping yesterday, and kinda hit a wall. Ok, time for black tea. I though this might go well considering it was a nice warm day. Made up my cup, being careful to not steep for too long. The tropical scent was detectable in the dry leaves, but not overpowering. But after steeping, I’m afraid I couldn’t really taste too much tropical. The taste was definitely of the black base. But it was lovely! A nice soft black, absolutely no bitterness, with just a lovely, soft, very drinkable taste. I know, not very helpful, might need another cup to get more detail on the flavour notes.
So still enjoyable, just not very tropical.
Did my first iced batch of this last night in my tayeka flash chill set. Was quite yummy! Thoughts I think the flavour distribution was a bit off in the scoops I put in, or maybe I needed to let it steep for a bit longer. I think I prefer it hot. But it was still lovely, and went well with my Bourne trilogy viewing (or perhaps it was the hot sun streaming in through the balcony windows…).
Had a cup of this while multitasking the crap out of my morning before work – calling my ISP to dispute an invoice, eating breakfast and watching Wild Oats XI win the Syndey-Hoabrt yacht race for the 6th time, including breaking their own record (both out off my balcony and on tv!). Lovely and yummy and perked me up after a few too many (but very tasty!) pinot noirs last night. Off to the Taste of Tasmania tonight for dinner – I do love summer!
Made a jug of this up last night using my tayeka flash chill set while we were watching Asylum of the daleks on DVD. Christmas night viewing isn’t that spectacular (though we did put off the DW because Mr Bean was on!). Very tasty, nice for rehydration. Did the job on our warm Christmas night! I’m finishing off my glass now while watching the pre-viewing for the Sydney to Hobart on tv this morning, now that we’ve moved, I’ll be able to watch the boats coming up the Derwent in a few days! Very exciting. Providing its not at 4am or something ridiculous. Any who, merry Christmas everyone!