67 Tasting Notes
It is good.. It wasn’t as good as I was expecting, I’ve had better rooibos.. it must be the chai or something.. maybe I don’t like this mixture.. I added milk and it tasted much better but somehow I can taste a spice that I’m not really liking.. is that anise seed I taste? :(
Theres alot of flavour in this, it is nothing like the smell… After a while all I could taste was anise seed, it was sweet, it was spicy but just too much anise seed.. I’m proud that i tried this because I really was scared of the anise seed.. It’s a lovely tea for the first few sips. That’s it..
I have to steep this in for a little while,, and add a tsp of sugar but wow!! It’s so lovely… I was expecting it to be murky water but no!!! The cinnamon is in there and rooibos is so lovely. It actually reminds me of a the thai chai tea. I think I have to buy more rooibos.. plus this is definitely going in my shopping list.. I LOVE LOVE IT..
I’m really disappointed about this tea, I can drink it but gosh it really isn’t what it says on the tin… there’s nothing indian night black vanilla about it at all.. I was really disappointed I steeped it for little longer than I would usual just to taste something more, sorry… I won’t drink this again.