Gah. I can’t believe I have some of this left.
It lost a lot of flavour pretty quick but I don’t have it often so much anymore. I maxed out on it and then left it alone for awhile… shouldn’t have done that. Oh well.
My last few cups were very meh, but today was better. I let it sit a lot longer. Still nowhere near where it was.
One day I’ll order more, if the company is still around!

On to life things…
UGH what a craptastic week. Drama at work. Multiple dramas with the family. Then a family funeral (not related to drama!) oh and OT at work. Just one of those weeks. and now I’m at home catching up on things that need doing. So you could say I’m a little weary, to say the least. and sad. Glad I’m hanging with the boy tonight.
(oh and the person who passed was 90yrs old, the grandmother of the family who befriended mine when Mum first came to the country, and helped through tough times. So not blood, but still family… yet not someone I knew well, or saw much of myself. Kindof an odd situation)

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