I bought a sample sachet of this at Pacific Mall of all places, and saved it til today when I really needed it.
And guess what, it is super tasty. Intense on the sweet berry, which I LOVE!! Definitely some strawberry, and maybe cherry. Not sure about the currant.
Without any sugar or milk, I enjoyed every single sip even though I got an extra large cup, for maybe a regular sized serving of leaves. Oh yeah, so worth it. No idea what temp it was at either so I’m going to surmise that this blend can take a lot of abuse and still end up amazing.
I’d keep it in my cupboard if I could.
In some ways, it reminds me very much of Marco Polo. They are pretty much the same tea, only one has a whole lot more vanilla. Ok so that makes them pretty different in one very big way lol
Still, I doubt I’d carry both in my cupboard if I had an opp, since I’m not a huge vanilla fan and thus much prefer this version!
Also, Sil, did you give me a sample of this?? I can’t recall!!


I like this very much as well, but to me it´s a totally different beast from Marco Polo, funny how we all experience things differently.

I got a tin of this without being too enthusiastic about it, but ended up loving it, and loving it better than all the other Dammann teas (even ones I was far more interested in before trying!) I have tried.


nope. I gave you others. I didn’t get to pick this one up, though it’s on my shopping list to try sometime.


Sorry, I don´t understand – "nope. I gave you others. "?


cteresa – IB asked if this was one of the teas i gave her. :) I gave her other damman freres tea, which is likely what she’s thinking of.


sorry, sorry, my mistake! I was not understanding, nevermind brain fart (it´s getting very hot, moved to iced non caffeine tea, and my brain is not adjusting…)


pas de problem! I feel the same way…and it’s already afternoon! :)


cteresa, it’s really good! I don’t think I’ve had a berry tea that pops so nicely before. Yummm :D
Sil, aha! well if I ever see it again at p-mall, I’ll pick you up a sample. $1 for one bag, not too bad.

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I like this very much as well, but to me it´s a totally different beast from Marco Polo, funny how we all experience things differently.

I got a tin of this without being too enthusiastic about it, but ended up loving it, and loving it better than all the other Dammann teas (even ones I was far more interested in before trying!) I have tried.


nope. I gave you others. I didn’t get to pick this one up, though it’s on my shopping list to try sometime.


Sorry, I don´t understand – "nope. I gave you others. "?


cteresa – IB asked if this was one of the teas i gave her. :) I gave her other damman freres tea, which is likely what she’s thinking of.


sorry, sorry, my mistake! I was not understanding, nevermind brain fart (it´s getting very hot, moved to iced non caffeine tea, and my brain is not adjusting…)


pas de problem! I feel the same way…and it’s already afternoon! :)


cteresa, it’s really good! I don’t think I’ve had a berry tea that pops so nicely before. Yummm :D
Sil, aha! well if I ever see it again at p-mall, I’ll pick you up a sample. $1 for one bag, not too bad.

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