Nooooo!! Steepster ate my note. Grrr!!!
OK now that I am done venting…
This tea is different, I’ll give it that! and definitely reminiscent of what I recall gooseberries tasting like. A little like marmalade, or maybe green grape jelly. I’m also getting a slight bubblegum note.
Overall, I’m unsure if I like it. I certainly don’t hate it though!
Methinks I just need to find the sweet spot.
Kittennas point about this being perfumey is spot on, though less so as the cup cooled. Perhaps I should make some iced when the weather warms up. just for a change!
Yeah, I saw it went down for a little while. Hate it when that happens. :/
psst…it didn’t eat your tasting note. it’s there… you have two for this today :)
heh, go figure! oh well, I can deal with two. It won’t allow me to delete…
You have three, actually! :P Haha.
Yep. I tried deleting the third one yesterday but Steepster wouldn’t allow it. I wonder, maybe it will now :)