612 Tasting Notes

So lovely. It’s a shame that the teas I’ve been most impressed with lately—Assams from Capital Tea—I get in the mood to drink at night while snuggled up to watch Elementary, and by the end of that I’m too sleepy to write decent notes. I think I reach for them then /because/ I know they’ll be wonderful and that matches my excitement and comfort looking forward to the evening’s relaxation. Alas for them. But in short, this is yet another excellent, beyond-all-other-shops’-Assams experience for me. Remarkably smooth but chock full of deep, rich, dark-sweet flavor and lots of neat subtler nuanced notes. And just like all the other Assams from Capital so far, resteeps like a dream (and I’m normally very skeptical of resteeping black tea), like the energizer bunny (I don’t even add extra time the first couple, and I can resteep at least 3 or 4 times…nuts). I think the best way to describe this (and just about all of the Capital Assams I’ve tried so far) sloppily/lazily is that it’s like the heft and deep-dark-satisfying classic tea flavor quality one expects from an Assam (or any Indian or Ceylon tea, but with the harsh acidic lemony part removed), the smoothness, sweetness, and complexity prized in good Chinese black teas, pluuuuus an uber satisfying dark bittersweet brawn (but smooth, always smooth!) that hints at good coffee made from freshly roasted oily beans. With spice notes usually. Perfect. Assams! I love you so much right now. I just needed to find the right go-between for us to date again. Now the feelings I’ve got are getting serious. Cohabitation seems inevitable, ha.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m so happy that you are enjoying the Capital Teas.


so good! :D

oh, i saw your note about zen tea coconut oolong and was like “d’oh! why on earth did i send Dex the other two but not that one?? weird!” but i’m glad you like it (it’s a fave of mine too!).


LOL so we CAN agreen on at least one coconut oolong. :))


yes, it’s like a venn diagram where zen’s is the middle where we meet, ha.

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drank Chestnut by Lupicia
612 tasting notes

Enjoying for afternoon tea with R, alongside graham crackers spread with a blender mix of cream cheese, greek yogurt, dried apricots, and honey. Dry and steeped this smells good, sweet and nutty. You can see caramel bits in the dry blend, and that shines through in the taste without being TOO cloying. The body and taste is lighter of course than the black based chestnut blends from Lupicia (of which Chaud Les Marrons!, with its smoothed out warmth akin to Kusmi’s Caramel, continues to be my favorite; the chocolate one, while not terrible, was disappointing), but still richer and sweeter than you expect from a green. Steeps up a bright, almost glowing warm gold-green. I imagine this might be divine coldsteeped once the weather warms up as my favorite coldsteeped greens tend to be nutty and sweet. Very enjoyable, worth waiting nearly a year (!) for (it was out of stock forever and ever and when I finally got an email notification it was available again I was shocked, figured it was a lost cause by now, ha).

I’ll never figure out how Lupicia and Den’s manage to offer flavored greens where the recommended steep temp is boiling, and it works. Oh the mysteries of life.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 30 sec
Sami Kelsh

Oh my word. I love chestnut things. I need this to live! grabby hands


if you prefer black tea, i think chaud les marrons! is quite good in a gentle sort of way. i feel like it doesn’t get enough love. i thought it was pretty-good-but-not-great at first, but then i ran out and went months without it and when i finally had a cup again i realized how much i’d missed it, how nice it really can be when you crave that flavor. but personally i don’t recommend their chocolate chestnut tea. relatively weak flavor, i thought.

Sami Kelsh

Yes, I need to investigate getting myself some of this! I looooove chestnut.


I really like Chestnut by Adagio.

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A really lovely breakfast blend (man, there are so many!). Does that thing many breakfast blends do where for the very first second it feels deceptively straightforward and familiar, but as the flavors sit and dwell in your mouth nuanced surprises come out. That slow transformation is great because you get the best of both parts—the comfort of familiarity at first and then the interest and complexity in the surprise. It’s deep dark and a little bready, but it also has hints of fruit and even, could I be imagining it, an ever-so-slight floral presence. Very nicely balanced, classic tasting dark heft but also a silkiness and just enough brightness to even things out. I could definitely see drinking this again if I find enough other stuff from The Devotea I like to warrant placing a “real” order.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML
Robert Godden

Thanks for the lovely notes, from us here at Devotea HQ, Adelaide, Australia.
Our US blender does a great job and we are glad you enjoyed the 1910. I hope you have some of our others on hand to taste!


Always nice when a seller posts about someones experience with their tea.

Robert Godden

@mrmopar We think if someone does us the courtesy of writing their thoughts down, the least we can do is acknowledge them. It thrills us that people take the time.


Like mrmopar I’m impressed you stopped by to say hi Robert Godden! Thanks for taking the time to do so. And for your part in allowing me to procure and enjoy this lovely cup of morning tea (it really is remarkably well balanced!). I’m looking forward to trying the others in the black tea sampler pack.


Yep, always extra points in my book Robert.

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Delicious. Scattered and vague note, alas; I will try to write a better, clearer, more precise one when I drink this not so late at night after a ton more Elementary (g’ah, I love that show). I reckon it won’t take too long because it’s so good. I also tried Capital’s New Vithanakande because I love Harney and Sons’ but have run out (only had the sample packet) and it has a similar scrummy bittersweet chocolate thing going on. I am loving all these bittersweet deeply flavored bold teas lately! Also, this one resteeps like a charm. Had still another black tea from Capital today too, but I’m blanking right now—it was lighter bodied and mild, sweet, like Golden Monkey, which again is alright but never gets me to sit up and take notice relative to stuff like this. I was kind of feeling sad about not liking Assam as much as I used to back in the day after trying so many Steepster faves (Steven Smith and to a lesser extent even A&D’s), but this parade of delicious bittersweet bold black Indian teas from Capital is changing my tune and reminding me why I fell in love with them in the first place so long ago. Hooray.


Love this one too! I’m glad you’re rediscovering your love.

Sami Kelsh

Oh fabulous! I love good full-bodied Indian black teas too. My favourite kind!

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Love this tea so much. Along with those A&D Yunnan Gold Tips, maybe the best find of this winter for me (endless thanks to Dexter3657!). This time around I’m getting cinnamon and sandalwood along with that deep sweet chocolate-y element. YUM!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Sami Kelsh

Ooh, that does sound good. nods


Oh wow, sandalwood? that sounds unbelievable


I am so happy that you like this – it’s not my favorite from Capital Tea Ltd, but I really like the quality vs price of Capital. Happy to introduce you and happy that you picked up some more.

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drank Russian Blend by Capital Tea Ltd.
612 tasting notes

My Capital Tea order arrived Friday (well, actually more like Tuesday, but it was in mail jail and I knew there’d be more mail jail slips coming—my carrier changed routes and the new one is more cautious :(—so I waited ’til Friday to pick everything up at once)! A shoutout to Dexter3657, because the samples she sent my way in her amazing swapbox blew my mind and acted as the catalyst for checking them out. Thank you!

I took this out yesterday to do Saturday morning errands. It’s quite upfront smoky, and as you sip through the smoke settles and asserts itself as a barbecue smokehouse-type aroma (could be a subtle result of the citrus of the bergamot combining with the smoke, brightening it and preventing it from being too fireplace ash musty, who knows). The floral aspect from the bergamot is tucked away gently in the back, definitely present but not so strong as to clash. I liked it! Not a combo you see every day. This can go nicely in my little stable of “meditative afternoon smoke break” teas, alongside stuff like Upton Imports Baker Street, Harney and Sons Russian Country, Della Terra Professor Grey, Verdant Earl of Anxi, STEAp Shoppe Smoky Mountain STEAp, etc.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I only have A&D Caravan which is fabulous


I have yet to crack mine open even though I’ve had it for months now! Ha. I guess I superstitiously believe it’ll somehow be its tightest sealed and freshest if I wait. Doesn’t really make sense though.

Samovar’s got one called Tolstoy’s Sip too. That one is is very tricky though…


I find their tins very tightly sealed so I need to use a butter knife to open. Maybe it’s my tiny fingers I have to blame;)


oh, me too! that’s why my waiting is probably silly. (: my tea measuring spoon has a curved metal end that’s perfect for both prying open the canisters and tamping them back shut. great tins!

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Is it weird to say “you know, this is not bad!”? That’s what I said in my head. It doesn’t have quite the depth and complexity of flavor some really fantastic blends somehow manage, but it’s a surprisingly smooth, well balanced cup with a nice bittersweetness and some heft, but not enough to make an empty stomach groan or milk a necessity. It’d make a perfectly decent every-day-ho-hum-done-nicely first thing tea. I wasn’t expecting too much after feeling disenchanted post-holiday haze about how some of Georgia Tea’s blends seem like resold stuff and a few of their things kinda felt like duds to me, but this reminds me they’re actually fine quality-wise for some stuff. I shouldn’t be so harshly dismissive.

That said, I think I’m going through one of those glorious “tea just tastes FRICKIN’ FANTASTIC” phases right now—everything I drank last night was like nectar of the gods satisfying in that strong immediate way I sense has more to do with me and where I’m at right now randomly than the teas maybe. Ha. I love those phases. Was tempted to write another late night private love letter ode to tea; I was that smitten.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Ah, pretty much exactly what I was expecting. This is quite bright and relatively astringent, tastes very much like an Indian blend but there’s no bitterness, that aspect is very smooth, and at the end of the sip there’s a (surprising given the upfront brightness) rich depth of flavor, that mysterious quality all my favorite A&D blends manage to possess. A decent morning choice. Curious how it’d go blended with something else…maybe something spicy, hm.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Better than the Tiger Assam? They look similar to me as far as their descriptions on the site go.


It’s way more astringent, more like a classic Ceylon even though it isn’t one, if that makes sense. And it has some of the woodiness of darjeeling and Ceylon. Tiger Assam’s got a smooth thick rich malty thing going on, typical of a good Assam. This is way way way brighter, hard to drink on an empty stomach. I like both, but this seems more like something many Steepsters I know would struggle with because it’s got a lot of the classic legacy-style elements that don’t seem very popular here (astringency, Indian/Ceylon-style lightness, that woody raspiness from the tannin, etc.).


sounds like my cup of tea. i grew up drinking Ceylon and Assam ( not the best kind)


Thanks! Late reply, but it sounds like it has elements I probably wouldn’t like as much. I love this tin, though, and I guess I’m vain like that.


understandable! the design company that does A&D’s tins is pretty great—so great that when i first found out about them through A&D i went and ordered a poster from them directly. it’s hanging in my kitchen right now, makes me smile.

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I’ve been a cranky ragebot all week long for various reasons, but as one of those small silly things that can talk you off the ledge last night before bed I reminded myself I’d be able to try this today (and thanks boychik, your review today made me even more excited!). I was a tad worried I’d find it too mild and straightforwardly sweet potato like I was just talking about with Golden Monkey, but this is great, a lovely balance of that sweet smoothness tips give with more robust but still smooth malty dark flavor I crave. The cup color tells it; it isn’t that warm orange-gold-brown hue of the sweet potato teas but instead a deeper more burgundy-tinged affair, as I like. And as it cools there’s a lingering aftertaste of dark chocolate, yum—I imagine it comes from the very faintest hint of bitterness I crave giving it a depth of flavor, but the smooth sweetness the tips provide rounding it out. Was prepared to send a lot of this off to my IRL tea buddy or Steepsters who might lean towards the general Yunnan style if I didn’t love this but I do. So there’s a win for the day, woo small triumphs!

ETA this is a resteep champ, yes even Western style. Had a second cup, 5 minutes just like the first, just as good maybe in some ways even better (lighter yes, but sweeter too, and still with enough heft to make it deliciously satisfying). Woo hoo!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

That sounds awesome! I was totally trying NOT to buy this too, but your review is very persuasive!


Hehehe. ‘Ragebot’. The Ragebots. <3


Yay glad you did review it and like it. I get irritated easy myself lately . I blame winter for my mood swings. Good tea is the best remedy.


This just went on my shopping list too.


Sounds great !


Ok, I was trying to not buy this tea…thinking…it’s just tea…I guess I’ll be putting in my order as soon as I get back from walking the beast.


cavo…i haven’t ordered yet lol


haha, The Ragebots! i would spend a friday night going to see them play. (:

yes boychik, the weather for sure plays a part. and yes again to tea as the best remedy! well, and friends. (:

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drank Golden Monkey by Harney & Sons
612 tasting notes

Today’s first thing, and I’m finally nearing the end of my H&S morning contender tea sampling.

This is reaffirming for me that Golden Monkeys in general are a lovely, popular (and relatively new), sophisticated/delicate tea, but not really for me. I never mind drinking them—what’s to hate; they’re just smooth and sweet and light—but they can’t seem to floor me either, probably because of that tradeoff Michael Harney talks about it in his tea book, how emphasizing oxidized tips makes for a sweeter tea, but also a lighter one. I need more classic black tea brawn and flavor to make me sit up and take notice (weirdly, I seem to be the opposite of most Steepsters I know—I like delicate oolongs but strong blacks and am not into strong/roasty oolongs or delicate blacks). As far as sweet and innovative Chinese black teas go, I’ll take Golden Needle with its honey and more rounded body any day.

All of that said, this is a lovely version for sure, one of the better ones I’ve tried. There’s clover, sweet potato (always sweet potato, sigh), some honey, and a faint whisper of sweet chocolate. Trademark smoothness.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I’m starting to think that I have similar tastes to you re: black teas. I was about to add this to my h and s order, but decided not to because of how light and mellow it was reported as being.

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“…you can never know everything about anything, especially something you love.”
-Julia Child on food and cooking, and I think it applies to tea as well!

note: i am currently taking a break from swapping/mail of any kind as money is rather tight. i apologize! i do love to swap but i can’t afford to right now. hopefully in a month things will change.

my cupboard includes any tea i’ve ever owned, including things i’ve sipped down, in order to facilitate swaps with people and keep a record—this way i don’t get redundant samples/order duplicates to try. if you are interested in swapping, i have a separate ever-updated list of teas i actually have on hand i can PM.

i like strong, rich blacks (including some choice old skool CTCs); juicy-fruity flavored green blends; buttery chinese greens; light floral oolongs; flavored oolongs (how sacrilegious!); earl greys; smoky blends; second flush muscatel darjeelings; verdant’s straight oolongs steeped in a gaiwan (mind altering!); anything from laoshan village it seems.

favorite notes include lavender, bergamot, violet, fennel, cardamom, melon, honey, sandalwood, smoke, nuts, roasty/toasty stuff, malt, wood, leather, creamy lemon, steamed rice, artichoke, garden-sweet snap veggies, earth/soil, forest and wet bark, and mushroom.

notes i generally can’t stand (at least in tea) include jasmine, rose (ok in small doses but i often find it overpowering and then everything just smells like musty old lady perfume), astringent apple (and general fruitiness really unless it’s with green tea), and chamomile (unless i’m congested or tired).

my current favorite tea vendors are butiki and harney and sons. i’ve also found some delicious teas and/or had good customer service experiences with the following companies: capital tea ltd., the devotea, verdant, mandala, golden moon, teavivre, lupicia, taiwan tea crafts, yezi tea, den’s tea, the tea merchant, norbu, fauchon paris, tao tea leaf, zen tea, fortnum and mason, townshend’s tea, joy’s teaspoon, new mexico tea company, persimmon tree, teajo teas, whispering pines, della terra, upton imports, mariage freres, samovar, justea, teabox, american tea room, steven smith, steap shoppe, utopia tea, and andrews and dunham damn fine tea. when i’m at the grocery store my “you could do worse” brands include stash, bigelow, tazo, taylors of harrogate, whittard of chelsea, and pg tips. and it’s a fact: you can’t make classic southern sweet tea without luzianne.

top picks, fall 2013

verdant zhu rong yunnan black
verdant laoshan black
thepuriTea hong jing luo (no longer available :( )
thepuriTea red dragon pearl (no longer available :( )
mandala morning sun
golden moon honey orchid
verdant golden fleece
taiwan tea crafts red jade
yezi tea zheng shan xiao zhong “scotch” tea
capital tea borsapori estate assam tgfop1 (spl)
butiki khongea golden tippy assam
butiki giddahapar darjeeling extra special
upton imports fikkal estate
golden moon sinharaja
harney and sons new vithanakande
persimmon tree vintage black
teajo teas black manas
justea kenyan black
harney and sons kangaita op

morning blends:
butiki the black lotus
harney and sons queen catherine
harney and sons eight at the fort
harney and sons big red sun
harney and sons scottish morn
golden moon irish breakfast
harney and sons irish breakfast
utopia tea english breakfast
fortnum and mason breakfast blend (needs milk!)
andrews and dunham double knit blend
steven smith no. 25 morning light
butiki irish cream cheesecake

earl greys and scented afternoon blends:
teajo teas silky earl grey
harney and sons viennese earl grey
upton imports lavender earl grey
american tea room victoria
lupicia earl grey grand classic
harney and sons tower of london
tao tea leaf cream earl grey
zen tea earl grey cream
della terra earl grey creme
upton imports season’s pick earl grey creme vanilla
upton imports baker street afternoon blend
harney and sons russian country
della terra professor grey
verdant earl of anxi

flavored black:
herbal infusions moose tracks
american tea room brioche
steap shoppe cinnamon swirl bread
della terra oatmeal raisin cookie
butiki nutmeg cream
kusmi caramel
david’s tea brazillionaire
lupicia banane chocolat
butiki hello sweetie
fauchon paris raspberry macaron
butiki blueberry purple tea
herbal infusions marshmallow snowflake earl grey
herbal infusions creme brulee chai

pu erh:
mandala loose and luscious lincang 2007 shu/ripe pu erh
mandala special dark 2006 shu/ripe pu erh

verdant shui jin gui wuyi oolong
verdant hand-picked early spring tieguanyin
butiki 2003 reserve four season oolong
harney and sons formosa oolong
tea merchant silk dragon
golden moon coconut pouchong
zen tea coconut oolong
american tea room coconut oolong
teavivre taiwan jin xuan milk oolong
butiki flowery pineapple oolong
butiki lychee oolong
lupicia momo oolong supergrade
butiki strawberry oolong
butiki pumpkin milkshake darjeeling oolong
52teas tiramisu oolong

verdant laoshan bilochun green
verdant autumn harvest laoshan green
tao tea leaf hou kui
harney and sons tencha
harney and sons gyokuro
new mexico casablanca
butiki with open eyes
american tea room nirvana
joy’s teaspoon mahalo
den’s tea pineapple sencha
harney and sons tokyo
butiki potato pancakes and applesauce
butiki holiday eggnog and pralines
den’s tea organic genmaicha with matcha
golden moon hojicha

butiki cantaloupe and cream
butiki champagne and rose cream

no caf:
harney and sons soba buckwheat
butiki birthday cake
della terra lemon chiffon
52teas strawberry pie honeybush
butiki mango lassi
joy’s teaspoon italian dream
butiki coconut cream pie rooibos
butiki peppermint patty
persimmon tree mint chocolate chip rooibos
art of tea velvet tea
fusion teas chocolate cake honeybush
american tea room choco-late
steven smith no. 40 bon bon
townshend’s tea dark forest chai
utopia tea decaffeinated earl grey cream

sleep aid/medicinal/therapeutic:
new mexico extra sleepy bear
stash white christmas
verdant ginger sage winter spa blend
samovar turmeric spice
butiki the killer’s vanilla guayusa

coldsteeped wonders:
whispering pines manistee moonrise
harney and sons fruits d’alsace
utopia tea berkshire apple and fig
culinary teas peaches and cream
butiki peach hoppiTea
butiki ruby pie
whispering pines gingerade

besides tea

born in seoul, raised in new england and upstate new york, went to college in pittsburgh, currently in memphis with an eye toward philadelphia, portland, or asheville eventually.

i like cats, most beverages really (i also like good freshly roasted coffee, craft beer, wine, whiskey and gin-based cocktails, and soda/soft drinks like agua fresca), art (mainly writing but also visual and music) and critical theory, feminism/genderqueer politics, historiography, statistics, children’s literature and librarianship, travel, and food/cooking. also have recently gotten into weightlifting (mark rippetoe and stumptuous!) and sprint training (HIIT, plyometrics) and i love it.


Memphis, TN



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