612 Tasting Notes

drank Birthday Cake by Butiki Teas
612 tasting notes

Isn’t it funny how different perceptions between people can be? I vaguely remembered other Steepsters saying this wasn’t bad, but that it lacked flavor and had no cake element. It’s one of the reasons I put off trying it immediately when my big ol’ box of new Butiki came in. But I made a cup tonight and was totally bowled over by how accurate and powerful this smelled of really good fine crumbed white cake and delicious true-vanilla icing dry and steeping. Granted, it doesn’t taste as cake-y as it smells—but there’s no way any tea could, I think, as the aroma was just so overwhelmingly cakey and delicious, like better than smelling the real thing—but that vanilla crumb flavor is there, lightly, and seems to accumulate as I drink until by the end it really does feel like I’ve had the liquid equivalent of a piece of simple classic yummy vanilla cake. Beautiful stuff, and feels in line with how I don’t like garishly sweet supermarket bakery department cake but do like the kind of cake they often serve at weddings (the old fashioned kind, not the fondant stuff)—subtle in its way (regarding pointed sweetness mostly), but powerfully full of vanilla, heady but elegant feeling (it really is a lovely tea to look at, both the dry leaves and the liquor in the cup). I almost feel that coating on your teeth too after eating a piece of cake. The fact something this delicious and festive-occasion-tasting is herbal is just icing on the cake (har). After I finished my cup, I noticed the strong aroma of marshmallows and vanilla cake stayed in the empty cup for a long time—I kept dipping my nose back into it. Heavenly. I’m a huge sucker for sweet damp tight-crumbed white wedding cake though, so.

Yeah, I like this more than Creamy Eggnog, by far (don’t get me wrong, I like Creamy Eggnog but I think this has way more flavor). Again, I find it amusing (and wonderful) how different opinions can be!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Yay! So glad that you enjoyed this one. I love it when people have different reactions to teas.

Butiki Teas

Sorry to say that I don’t think this one will be around for much longer at all. The reviews haven’t been good. I feel like the flavoring combination is spot on, so I think the marshmallow leaf might be the issue and it might be taking away from the flavoring. We might be trying this on a white tea.


Ooh white tea might make it interesting


Oh no! I guess this means I have to place an order right away.

Butiki Teas

Sil-I think so. I really don’t think its the flavoring here. I would definitely like to have some of the people who didn’t like the herbal version try the new version.

Butiki Teas

ifjuly-We are very low at the moment and will not be making more but I can always make a small batch for you when I am making a larger batch of the new version.


if i place an order for the max amount right now, is it in stock?


(in a panic i did, hope that doesn’t cause too much inconvenience if stock is too low…)

Butiki Teas

ifjuly-I just checked our current stock against today’s orders and we have 20 grams left. Didn’t realize it was that low.


oops. i’m really sorry for causing a problem, i think i tried to order 80grams. (: if you want to take this to PM here or email or FB to sort it out…not sure what would be easiest for you, insta-refund or maybe when you make the new version sending that along? i guess there’s no way to know how different the cost would be for the new one though…hrm.


uh, that was supposed to be a :/ face, not a smiley.

Butiki Teas

No problem, I will contact you via email. :)


I am really going to have to cherish the amount left! (big compliment :)


Interesting! I think this might work nicely as a white tea. I enjoy it, but it does feel a bit too sublte, until I realized that a dash of sugar enhanced the flavouring.

But, I have a terrible sweet tooth too.

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I had a feeling I knew what to expect here—something similar to what I enjoy so much about say, Persimmon Tree Vintage Black, that classic memory-inducing brisk-black-done-well experience—and I wasn’t let down, though I was in for some surprises. This has all those classic elements of briskness and relative astringency done well, but it’s more complex than I anticipated (though maybe I should’ve known, given it’s from Butiki). There’s more flavor interplay going on here than with some of my other go-to comfort CTCs and legacy-style teas, and a lot more fruitiness (which I guess I could’ve expected if I’d, uh, read the copy :). It’s also amazingly fine, the dry particles. It’s a nice unique tea for not being quite so straightforwardly in that classic category, but still being breakfast-y strong and full of pure “old fashioned tea” flavor.

As a side note, I’m really enjoying getting my husband to the dark side slowly but surely, muahahaha. I’d already gotten him to switch from his mostly soda-based habit for after-work treat to cold steeped tea, and now that it’s finally cooler and darker here in the afternoon he’s been coming home needing a pick-me-up and we’ve inadvertently found ourselves doing classic afternoon tea all “peckish Lady Bedford-style”—a couple cookies or a leftover biscuit or split sandwich and hot tea before I start working on dinner (his school year schedule’s nuts for our standard lifestyle; he’s up before 5am and eats lunch by 11am, so dinner really ought to be eaten at like, 4pm but come on, that’s just SO culturally early! So this works well—he eats a little something just to tide him over when he gets home at 3 or 4 and then we eat dinner around 6). He’s so busy all the time that I really cherish these moments. He’s visibly restored afterwards too, from so tired and forlorn looking when he comes in the door he can barely stay awake long enough to change out of his work clothes to alert and calmed, ready to start grading and lesson planning. Plus, he likes all the flavored teas I started out with as a loose tea newb which is a great way for me to get rid of them, woo hoo.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Woohoo – another convert! I wish I could get my bf into it, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen.

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This is not bad but I wish the lavender was more upfront in taste, the way it is in the aroma. Ah well. Keep in mind I’m a lavender FIEND (it’s always so soapy clean and comforting seeming to me, much like bergamot). Perhaps I will add some dried lavender to this next time (I have a ton) and see if I like it more.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Soapy….yep that about sums up lavender for me lol. Ick heh to each their own though haha


I just had a lavender blend last night from Zen Tea, and was surprised by it. I think lavender and I think soap and then I DO NOT WANT. :P I just have to get past my brain sometimes and try things.


Yeah, I can totally see how the soapy clean thing could put you off, like “this is not for consumption!” For me I dunno, it’s like it’s scrubbing away emotional grime and anxiety, figuratively. It’s like the emotional equivalent of taking a nice hot scented bath and then getting into bed all clean and revived, if that makes any sense. I can tell it probably has to do with some childhood association.

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drank Anti-Strain - Herb by Zen Tea
612 tasting notes

I love licorice root, have for 15 years now, from my first bag of Stash Licorice Spice…despite how I can see how it’s very sweet and vaguely reminiscent of Sweet n’ Low which I think is vile. Weird huh. Anyway, as a lover of licorice root, I really enjoy this one. It’s sweet and calming, perfect for its claims of being a good destressor before bed.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Winter Fire by Butiki Teas
612 tasting notes

Oooooh wheeeee this one’s not playing around! I love how genuinely spicy without being harsh it is. Back when I was looking around for cold/congestion elixir teas one of the elements I was hoping to find but didn’t (but felt I could do without given I’ve already got ginger and peppermint) was spicy stuff, either actual chile or warm spices, to open the nose up. This might work! I love spicy food (big fan of cayenne and using dried chile peppers briefly toasted, rehydrated, and pureed to make pastes for cooking bases), and this really tastes like actual chile spice, not just stuff like cloves and nutmeg that, while sort of warming, tend to be associated with sweet baked goods and so lose their punch to my mind. This manages to end up being soothing while leaving a residual glow in the chest. Good, rare stuff. I hope Butiki never compromises and makes it more mainstream tame, ‘cause it’s nearly impossible to find something like this.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Well, I am really into spicy things. I double the amount for this per serving to get it extra hot. When I’m feeling under the weather or congested I make a super strong cup then put my face over it and breath in. Then sip, then breath in, and so on. It really helps me.


That’s good to know, that it does work that way. I’m not surprised—it feels a bit like what I imagine putting Icy Hot on your lungs and throat would be like, minus the Icy. (:

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Had a couple cups of this while making dinner tonight, might have to re-log with more detail when I can pay closer attention as I sip. I like how sweet treat-y this one is; it lives up to its name with the flavor and feel of soaked fruit and wet cake. The plum flavor is lovely, and the citrus peel aspect is nice and light, not too heavy as it often is is flavored blends. The spice is balanced to be light and pleasant, not smack-you-over-the-head too. I like how I can count on Butiki flavored teas to never be one-note hit-by-a-2-by-4 cloying or just…too MUCH of any one thing, you know?

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank The Black Lotus by Butiki Teas
612 tasting notes

5/5, the best “evokes the traditional versions but betterx10000” breakfast blend ever and one of the best teas I’ve had, period

Ohhhh this is so goooood. It’s so beautiful for a breakfast blend—long, gorgeous leaves of different shades of silvery green, brown, and black—such a far cry from the CTC boxed stuff one associates with them growing up as to be comical. Smells great dry too. And then steeped it looks, smells, and tastes purrrrrfect, bold with deep rich bready and earthy and even slight chocolate-y flavor, unbelievably smooth and satisfying. It’s so easy to drink, but so deep down rich and satisfying and complex too (the earthy mushroom note in particular sets this apart—might sound weird but it’s delicious). There’s a sweetness and smoothness that rounds out the bold malty assam, and the darjeeling qualities I love float lightly but ever present like a specter, just right. A tea I would use to convince a coffee drinker that tea is just as good, no better, first thing in the morning (and all throughout rest of the day!). The flavor strongly lasts for an impressively long time in the mouth too; I’ve been sitting here just basking in the yummy earthy glow lingering on my palate for like half an hour now.

This is the best “straight” tasting (nothing but tea leaves) breakfast blend I’ve ever had, no question. So delicious. Will definitely have to order more, a lot more.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I need to try/order this soooooon! It needs to be November faster lol


i’m insta-obsessed now! it reminds me a little of the qualities i like in Double Knit Blend (that perfect balance of true tea taste and boldness with easydrinking smoothness, and how it automatically picks me up mood-wise), but much more complex (that earthy mushroom note is awesome).


(well, added to shopping list)


I hope you end up loving it too, Cavocorax!


I loved this one too! :) It’s so unique too! I find all English Breakfast teas taste pretty much the same, but this was SO different and so good! :)


yay, good to know it’s not just in my head. (: the second time i made a cup, i was a little nervous it wouldn’t be as amazing because of my expectations, but it was! and it continues to be! definitely one of my favorites now.

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Very springy and floral, one of the perfume-iest teas I’ve had but somehow still enjoyable—I guess because it avoids that stale musty smell rose scents often have. Like really good, lots-of-flowers-used soap or lotion. Not my kind of thing too regularly, but once in a while straight or blended in with other teas it’s what I want. I think I’ve discovered I really seem to like calendula…

EDIT: Also, now reading other notes I totes agree with Bonnie (I was thinking the same thing just now) that this is the ideal “tea party with all the stops pulled out” type tea. A tea you feel like drinking while wearing a pinafored dress and keeping your pinkies where they’re “supposed” to be, ha. Yep.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

This is my favourite tea in the entire universe!


haha! I think about having a fancy tea party every time I have this tea!

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drank Pumpkin Milkshake by Butiki Teas
612 tasting notes

Aaaah, this is the one! This is the pumpkin flavor I’ve been seeking—I’ve always wanted one that didn’t have the warm spices that usually go hand-in-hand with fall squash, not because I dislike those spices but I also enjoy pumpkin in its own right (when I roast it sometimes, especially in the beginning of the season, I barely season it at all and I find that glorious, the true taste of it for the first time all year). Just pumpkin and cream. Delicious smell, delicious taste. So happy this exists!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Which pumpkin butiki tea do you like more?


I would say this one, because of the aforementioned desire I’ve had for one that really tastes of PUMPKIN, sans too much other stuff like hot spices that overwhelm that flavor. It’s wonderfully creamy thanks to the vanilla and cream flavors too. Lovely, unusual stuff.

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Also enjoyed yesterday. Betting this would be delicious with cream or maybe latte-d. I really dug the cinnamon in this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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“…you can never know everything about anything, especially something you love.”
-Julia Child on food and cooking, and I think it applies to tea as well!

note: i am currently taking a break from swapping/mail of any kind as money is rather tight. i apologize! i do love to swap but i can’t afford to right now. hopefully in a month things will change.

my cupboard includes any tea i’ve ever owned, including things i’ve sipped down, in order to facilitate swaps with people and keep a record—this way i don’t get redundant samples/order duplicates to try. if you are interested in swapping, i have a separate ever-updated list of teas i actually have on hand i can PM.

i like strong, rich blacks (including some choice old skool CTCs); juicy-fruity flavored green blends; buttery chinese greens; light floral oolongs; flavored oolongs (how sacrilegious!); earl greys; smoky blends; second flush muscatel darjeelings; verdant’s straight oolongs steeped in a gaiwan (mind altering!); anything from laoshan village it seems.

favorite notes include lavender, bergamot, violet, fennel, cardamom, melon, honey, sandalwood, smoke, nuts, roasty/toasty stuff, malt, wood, leather, creamy lemon, steamed rice, artichoke, garden-sweet snap veggies, earth/soil, forest and wet bark, and mushroom.

notes i generally can’t stand (at least in tea) include jasmine, rose (ok in small doses but i often find it overpowering and then everything just smells like musty old lady perfume), astringent apple (and general fruitiness really unless it’s with green tea), and chamomile (unless i’m congested or tired).

my current favorite tea vendors are butiki and harney and sons. i’ve also found some delicious teas and/or had good customer service experiences with the following companies: capital tea ltd., the devotea, verdant, mandala, golden moon, teavivre, lupicia, taiwan tea crafts, yezi tea, den’s tea, the tea merchant, norbu, fauchon paris, tao tea leaf, zen tea, fortnum and mason, townshend’s tea, joy’s teaspoon, new mexico tea company, persimmon tree, teajo teas, whispering pines, della terra, upton imports, mariage freres, samovar, justea, teabox, american tea room, steven smith, steap shoppe, utopia tea, and andrews and dunham damn fine tea. when i’m at the grocery store my “you could do worse” brands include stash, bigelow, tazo, taylors of harrogate, whittard of chelsea, and pg tips. and it’s a fact: you can’t make classic southern sweet tea without luzianne.

top picks, fall 2013

verdant zhu rong yunnan black
verdant laoshan black
thepuriTea hong jing luo (no longer available :( )
thepuriTea red dragon pearl (no longer available :( )
mandala morning sun
golden moon honey orchid
verdant golden fleece
taiwan tea crafts red jade
yezi tea zheng shan xiao zhong “scotch” tea
capital tea borsapori estate assam tgfop1 (spl)
butiki khongea golden tippy assam
butiki giddahapar darjeeling extra special
upton imports fikkal estate
golden moon sinharaja
harney and sons new vithanakande
persimmon tree vintage black
teajo teas black manas
justea kenyan black
harney and sons kangaita op

morning blends:
butiki the black lotus
harney and sons queen catherine
harney and sons eight at the fort
harney and sons big red sun
harney and sons scottish morn
golden moon irish breakfast
harney and sons irish breakfast
utopia tea english breakfast
fortnum and mason breakfast blend (needs milk!)
andrews and dunham double knit blend
steven smith no. 25 morning light
butiki irish cream cheesecake

earl greys and scented afternoon blends:
teajo teas silky earl grey
harney and sons viennese earl grey
upton imports lavender earl grey
american tea room victoria
lupicia earl grey grand classic
harney and sons tower of london
tao tea leaf cream earl grey
zen tea earl grey cream
della terra earl grey creme
upton imports season’s pick earl grey creme vanilla
upton imports baker street afternoon blend
harney and sons russian country
della terra professor grey
verdant earl of anxi

flavored black:
herbal infusions moose tracks
american tea room brioche
steap shoppe cinnamon swirl bread
della terra oatmeal raisin cookie
butiki nutmeg cream
kusmi caramel
david’s tea brazillionaire
lupicia banane chocolat
butiki hello sweetie
fauchon paris raspberry macaron
butiki blueberry purple tea
herbal infusions marshmallow snowflake earl grey
herbal infusions creme brulee chai

pu erh:
mandala loose and luscious lincang 2007 shu/ripe pu erh
mandala special dark 2006 shu/ripe pu erh

verdant shui jin gui wuyi oolong
verdant hand-picked early spring tieguanyin
butiki 2003 reserve four season oolong
harney and sons formosa oolong
tea merchant silk dragon
golden moon coconut pouchong
zen tea coconut oolong
american tea room coconut oolong
teavivre taiwan jin xuan milk oolong
butiki flowery pineapple oolong
butiki lychee oolong
lupicia momo oolong supergrade
butiki strawberry oolong
butiki pumpkin milkshake darjeeling oolong
52teas tiramisu oolong

verdant laoshan bilochun green
verdant autumn harvest laoshan green
tao tea leaf hou kui
harney and sons tencha
harney and sons gyokuro
new mexico casablanca
butiki with open eyes
american tea room nirvana
joy’s teaspoon mahalo
den’s tea pineapple sencha
harney and sons tokyo
butiki potato pancakes and applesauce
butiki holiday eggnog and pralines
den’s tea organic genmaicha with matcha
golden moon hojicha

butiki cantaloupe and cream
butiki champagne and rose cream

no caf:
harney and sons soba buckwheat
butiki birthday cake
della terra lemon chiffon
52teas strawberry pie honeybush
butiki mango lassi
joy’s teaspoon italian dream
butiki coconut cream pie rooibos
butiki peppermint patty
persimmon tree mint chocolate chip rooibos
art of tea velvet tea
fusion teas chocolate cake honeybush
american tea room choco-late
steven smith no. 40 bon bon
townshend’s tea dark forest chai
utopia tea decaffeinated earl grey cream

sleep aid/medicinal/therapeutic:
new mexico extra sleepy bear
stash white christmas
verdant ginger sage winter spa blend
samovar turmeric spice
butiki the killer’s vanilla guayusa

coldsteeped wonders:
whispering pines manistee moonrise
harney and sons fruits d’alsace
utopia tea berkshire apple and fig
culinary teas peaches and cream
butiki peach hoppiTea
butiki ruby pie
whispering pines gingerade

besides tea

born in seoul, raised in new england and upstate new york, went to college in pittsburgh, currently in memphis with an eye toward philadelphia, portland, or asheville eventually.

i like cats, most beverages really (i also like good freshly roasted coffee, craft beer, wine, whiskey and gin-based cocktails, and soda/soft drinks like agua fresca), art (mainly writing but also visual and music) and critical theory, feminism/genderqueer politics, historiography, statistics, children’s literature and librarianship, travel, and food/cooking. also have recently gotten into weightlifting (mark rippetoe and stumptuous!) and sprint training (HIIT, plyometrics) and i love it.


Memphis, TN



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