This purely a personal note, so feel free to skip it
I had a mental meltdown today. So were really tight on money, and my financial aid is messed up, and I just found out that the tax forms that I need to fix it can’t be retrived electronically, and instead have to be shipped to my mom. So since I can’t even accept the loans I need to pay for the rest of my tuition until that’s straightened out, I can’t afford my classes.
Then, the cable and internet was out all day, and 75% of my classes are online, and classes started this week, but I couldn’t even look to see if I had any assignments.
Then, my car battery died, and I lost it. I waited until my boyfriend left for work, and then I broke down. Unless I’m alone watching a sappy scene in a show/movie, or reading a sad part of a book, I don’t really cry.
I called my dad, because he’s the one who fixes my car when it breaks usually. Since my boyfriend has work all night and works both jobs tomorrow, he came out to help me get the battery out and take it to get charged. Gets to my place, turns out that when I replaced my battery last time, I didn’t didn’t tighten the connectors all the way. He tightens it properly, the car starts no problem.
At this time it’s dinner time, and he suggests we go to this Thai place right next door that I’ve been dying to go too since I moved here. Over dinner, he tells me he’ll give me the money I need for tuition, so I don’t have to quit school.
And I got a Thai iced tea, which I’ve never had, and it was sweet and creamy, and vanilla and delicious.
And then when I got home, my internet was back on. So after such a hard day, I feel much better knowing that a lot of my problems have been handled. (:
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted (: And it’s so yummy! The waitress brought me a sample and I was just like yes! Yes please! I need this! haha
Hooray for (mostly) happy endings! And I love Thai iced tea. :D
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted (: And it’s so yummy! The waitress brought me a sample and I was just like yes! Yes please! I need this! haha
I’m sorry the day was soooo horrible, but I’m glad that things are getting better. And that Thai iced tea is DELISH!!!