761 Tasting Notes
Had this earlier…very creamy and a little hint of banana. I found that milk and sugar did bring the flavours up some. It is a pretty tasty tea though. Just a little milder than I was expecting it to be. I think this one is from CrowKettle and I thank her for the generous sample. I know I will enjoy the rest of it!
Got this as a tea to go today…treated by a friend of mine. So nice. Love when that happens. Not as good as when I make it at home…I’m getting more nut than raisin in this steep. Still good, and still one I like to make every now and again. I might get more of this once I sipdown more from my collection, but it is not an essential tea…just one that is nice every now and again.
It’s no Santa’s Secret, but it’s close. It’s definitely minty. Needs more chocolate. Not getting any marshmallow taste in it, really. Well, just a little, but very little. I did find the brew to be a little strong. But I added milk and sugar so it is fine. It’s pretty tasty. It’s one of the few 52Teas I have had good luck with.
Thanks to Cavo for this bag. I’m sure it will get used up.
So…I had a bit of a rough morning, emotionally today. My hormones are running rampage…they have their own plan and I can see some of it, but some parts are still shrouded in mystery. Hopefully the outcome of this morning, and all the tears, are all part of a greater purpose. I just tell myself that. But I’m still upset. Perhaps I set myself up for disappointment.
I was going to have this immediately, but I still had some Pu Erh Maple Chai leaves in my steeper, so I opted to resteep those first, then have this. Once I finished that though, this was my next tea.
So, since this is from my free samples with the co-op order, I really only had one servings worth, and did not want to mess it up, so I measured everything and used a timer.
Something smells plasticy or strange…I’m not sure if it is the measuring cup I used to cool the water in first, the bag it was in, or the tea cup I pulled off the shelf that probably should have been rinsed before using (though it was the bottom one and shouldn’t have gotten dusty, and I’ve never had to rinse them before). I filtered it into a mug, and it seemed ok, but filled the mug only partway, since I only measured 8 oz for this. I put it back in the special tea cup.
Going beyond the plastic smell, the tea does taste normal (mostly)…very mild and buttery, and with the addition of a little sugar, almost caramel-y. It’s very light, and I can see where there might be a note of citrus. My tongue is sort of salivating, with this, and there is a little note of a sunshiny sweet tartness.
I’m going to try another steep, but see if I can prepare it a little differently. I might use more water and use my normal mug, as the leaves smelled just fine in my steeper.
I’m getting the strange plastic smell too. It smells really similar to a “yixing” pot I bought earlier this year that was painted in order to look like nice red clay. It had a sort of paint/plastic smell to it whenever I brewed with it because of that. Brewed the stars in a totally different vessel though and getting a similar smell.
I could swear I’ve made a tasting note about this one before, but I can say YUM all over again. Yes, it is very much like DAVIDs Forever Nuts. This tea has made me realize that I do vastly prefer honeybush to rooibos, and I prefer the green varieties. The nuts seem a little different here, compared to Forever Nuts though. I can taste the earthy hazelnut, and the apple and cinnamon are the main notes I detect. And it’s not pink from the beetroot like Forever Nuts either, so while it is similar, it has a certain uniqueness as well.
If I ever put an order in with Della Terra, this will be on order. I had massive cravings for it today.
Tastes a bit like DAVIDs Love Tea #7…which I can get locally. Nice to have this bag though…I love me a chocolate strawberry tea! I think this is from OMGsrsly??
Hanukkah is coming early to my house because I’m having this tea tonight!
I repeat, sometimes incessantly, how amazingly beautiful Stacy’s blends are, and this is no exception. The apple and potato chunks with the long green tea leaves…lovely. Just lovely.
The smell in the bag is one of apple cinnamon, and delicious. Brewed, I mostly get the cinnamon, with the thick mouthfeel from the potato, but I’m afraid I’m not getting that much apple. I’m getting a very mild brew. That might just be me underleafing, or not getting enough apple bits in my teaspoon. I will note that as the water hit the apple, it just swelled up nice and juicy like. Yum! You know I am eating them after my steeps.
I’m gonna root through the bag and see if I can get another apple chunk or two and try my resteep with that and see how that works.
EDIT: Second steep is yielding more apple. Might have been hotter water that did that.
Had my sample fro Stacy as my after dinner tea…I’m not sure exactly why I picked this, except perhaps I wanted a tea with some caffeine to see if it might help with a headache that has been annoying me for a while, but not strong enough to warrant taking a pill and also perhaps for some digestive aspect post meal.
Oriental Beauty has long been a favourite oolong of mine…I think it was Teavivre I first had it with, so I was super stoked to try this one.
I admit I was surprised that I needed 2 tsp for my serving, but it proved to be right. I actually let the water cool and timed it and everything…I did NOT want to desecrate the one shot I had at making this tea.
It’s wonderfully light, yet full bodied, and like a sweet honeyed chocolate. I am going to bet now, but I hope to have a resteep of this in the morning, or later. Definitely tasty.
This has a taste that I am used to getting with Chinese black teas. There is a malty cocoa feel. I do not pick up the caramel much, but I don’t have the greatest palate for tasting lots of subtleties in teas.
The leaves are super dark and twisted, and really pretty cool. That said, hubby made a bad joke about what they looked like on a paper towel waiting for a later steep. :(
First steep was 3 minutes and with a little sugar; second steep was the same but also with milk. I actually prefer this with milk. I think that this way, I DO get a little more sense of lingering caramel.
I’m sure this tea is too sophisticated for me, but I’m glad to try it. Thanks to Cavovorax for this sample. It’s pretty tasty.
Got this one for hubby to try because he loves dark chocolate malt balls. So I am making this with some dark chocolate milk for him since he is tired but starting work now. He taught a computer class to seniors this morning so he had to get up earlier than usual.
He’s yawning…..