761 Tasting Notes

Sipdown, sadly…this is a real gem of a tea, and I thank cavocorax for the pleasure of a few steeps of this one. Although I really do prefer Caramel Vanilla Assam over this, this one is so smooth, so amazingly balanced, not astringent, with some sweetness…it is one amazing tea, for sure. It’s one of the few black teas I can drink straight, with only a small amount of sugar. Usually, I add milk with black teas, and it is probably to cut the astringency, I now know.

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Sipdown…I think this is a better steep than the first one. I added more sugar, and milk, and the berry notes pop with juiciness all over my mouth. It does remind me a little of Blueberry Jam, but it is not quite the same. And this one is stevia free which I like. I might be willing to try a little more of this at some point down the road.

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Super nice tea tonight…two steeps of it. It was the thing I needed to have with my dinner tonight (KD, fancy, I know). The last of the pu erh plus mac n cheese was sooo heavy, so I made this up to help lighten everything up. It was a success! I’m curious to see if the flowery pineapple oolong is more pineapple-y than this.


nothing wrong with KD…. i had hot dogs =0)


The oolong is more pineapple-y than this one.


Agreed with Sil, a lot more sweet pineapple in the other one! But I also love this one, though I can never really taste the cilantro, but I guess it brings the freshness in this tea.


I’d be interested in trying the flowery pineapple oolong then. More pineapple!

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Did one rinse of this, probably ought to have done the two, but I like a stronger pu erh so I can add milk and sugar…it is almost like coffee that way. It was quite a dark brew, and quite strong. Maybe I’ll do more rinses and try it sans milk at some point also.

This one comes from CrowKettle from our last meet up. It’s pretty good, but I think I like flavored pu erh more…chocolate and caramel are particularly good combos for this earthy type of tea.

I might try using some of this with saigon chai. I’m itching for a good pu erh chai.

Thanks again for this sample.


Oh, I like that idea! I should try mixing a puerh and saigon chai as well.

Terri HarpLady

mmm….puerh chai….

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This is one of the new teas I got samples of from Angel at Teavivre, but it appears I have had a previous harvest of this tea. It seems like I really want to like this one, but I have immense trouble getting the right amount of leaf and water right.

Right off the bat I got a stronger brew than my first time, but it was a bit mineraly and a little astringent. I’m not getting sweet potato at all. I wish I was, though. I wish I was getting caramel and honey with sweet potato…but I’m not.

I just don’t know what to make of this tea. The leaves are long and spindly, and with more leaf and longer steep time, I am getting a darker and more bodied brew, but I did need to add sugar as it was a bit bitter.

I feel like if I get the balance right, it can be a great tea, but finding that balance has been tricky, so far.

I thank Angel for providing this sample for me to try again. Sometimes harvests can very, but this tea still seems finicky to me.


Sorry for this tea is not your taste, would you please tell me your brewing information? Such as the amount of leaf and water, the temperature.


Let’s see, if I remember…I think it was a bamboo spoon’s worth, so maybe 1.5-2 tsp for 12 oz? Water was probably a few minutes cooking after boiling, and steep a few minutes? The very first time I think I under leafed or under steeped. But that was a previous batch. WhenI tried to correct that, it was better, but astringent too. I can’t seem to get leaf plus water right despite playing around with the parameters.


Thanks for your information, i think maybe you can try it with shorter time, maybe it will work well. By the way, this tea is hard to control it’s brewing method, you need to brew several times to get the experience.


Yes, it is quite finicky, and I do believe that finding the right balance will yield and amazing cup, but I have yet to find that balance.

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Got some of this from CrowKettle at our Vancouver swap in August. I have looked at this at the local Silk Road store and wanted to try it but it is pretty pricy, so I’m grateful to have the chance to try some first.

The leaves are quite big, and dark brown, and they brew up to be a nice mildly toasty steep. There is a little cocoa caramel sweet potato taste here. This type of oolong is a favourite of mine. I find it to be milder than a black and not as astringent, I don’t need any milk with this. It’s smooth and roasty. It’s simple and yet soothing. Very nice.


I’m glad you got something out of this! I thought I’d killed it with the plastic bag treatment :)

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Backlog…had this last night, and a re-steep this morning.

I used about half of the small sample pouch provided by Teavivre for the steep. I got a very standard medium oolong taste. The liquor was still quite pale in my travel mug, but golden yellow. There was a crisp and clean taste, with a medium floral tone as well…nothing overpowering or perfumey, and a light roasted flavour. But in general, it was mostly clean and floral and I can see why they call this an oolong for beginners.

I don’t think this is quite as tasty as the flavoured milk oolong I have had from them, but it is tasty. I know I will enjoy the rest of the sample pouch, and the other oolongs I have been provided with.

Thanks Angel at Teavivre for letting me try this one.

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Polished off the rest of my sample of this from OMGsrsly tonight. I had it hot, and it is equally delicious this way. I’m so happy to know that I like honeybush. It’s so much better than rooibos for me. At least the Della Terra ones. Having a caffeine free tea I like that is also good hot is a plus in my book. I think I like the Nut n Honeybush slightly better hot than this, this has the benefit of being good iced and cold brewed. I’m not sure how well Nut n Honeybush is cold.

I have a pouch of the lemon version of this. I’m sure it is just as yummy.

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drank Salted Caramel by DAVIDsTEA
761 tasting notes

This is an odd tea, but tastes pretty much what you ‘d expect…that is sweet and salty. I think the black base is a little strong…either that or I over-leafed. This one is definitely warming me up though. Or maybe that was the yoga like stretching. Could be both, I suppose. It’s comforting, but I may sound bad when I say this…I think I’m gonna save my salted caramel tastebuds for Starbucks hot chocolate. I think I like it better that way. Maybe it is the chocolate? I dunno. I’ll have to try a mocha latte with the caramel and salt topping to see how that compares…maybe it is the chocolate.

This is good, but I doubt I’d buy it regularly. I have a decent sized sample from ShayneBear so I do thank him for letting me try it.

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Two steeps of this tea, Western style…it tastes like all the other yunnans I’ve had, which is to say, yummy, but I don’t really have much to single this one out than others. I’m not one to taste little things here and there. It tasted the way a good yunnan should. First steep was small amount of sugar only, second steep was milk and small amount of sugar.

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I generally like a lot of tea. I do find I have a preference for flavored over unflavoured, but I do love a good straight tea as well.

Likes are too hard, since there are a lot. Dislikes are easier, so here they are…

Hibiscus. Blech. I can tolerate a little, depending on the brew, like Berry Good from Davids and Ruby Pie from Butiki…but in general, it’s too tart and too strong for me.

Licorice. Anything that remotely resembles licorice is out too, so that includes fennel and anise. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Florals. I’m cool with petals in the tea to make them look pretty (except rose), and I’m cool with teas like oolongs having a floral note, but strong florals can give me migraines. Rose and jasmine are the biggest offenders. This is one where it can vary on the blend, as I can handle Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea because there is very little jasmine actually detectable in it.

Rooibos is hit or miss. I can do some, but not others. I handle green better than red, and honeybush better than rooibos.

My ratings don’t have a particular scale or method, and may on occasion contradict themselves, but I’m honestly not fussed about that. Sometimes I don’t even rate at all.

Um, I have an extensive wishlist. It is both a list of things I want to get again, and things I want to try. If you are sending me something, and you want to know which is which, I’ll tell you via PM.

Yes, I do trades…usually on request though. See something you want to try in my cupboard? Just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

Uh, guess that’s it.


Victoria, BC

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