761 Tasting Notes
Yup, still tasty. I think I got more coconut this brew than the last time. I also may have overleafed a little, so while it was not as amazing as it was when i first had it, it is still really good. I’ gonna back off on the leaf a little next time. I think last time I brewed as I do most teas, as I had no steeping instructions to go by, and I think I liked it better that way.
Gave a little of this to my co-worker today since she is new to Doctor Who, but just met River Song, and she has been having a few bad days lately…so I surprised her with some of this.
Did a bit of extra walking today after work, to beat someone on my striiv team, and get a healthy advance with a challenge. I didn’t quite make the challenge, but I was close, and when I came in, I was tired and hot, so I made this and drank some water while this steeped.
The coconut is definitely the first thing I smell and taste. The banana and pineapple are more mouthfeel than taste, I think…I have a sort of thickness on my tongue which makes me think of the banana, and a juicy after note like pineapple. I can’t really pick up much floral…if it is there, it is subtle, and well blended, which is good for me, given my floral sensitivities…
I did have this hot, but I’d love to see what a cold brew of this would be like.
I don’t know what to make of this tea. It smells amazing, like the lemon candies I got with my mom on vacation when I was younger. Brewed, there is something that I’m having a hard time with, and I’m not sure what. I had one brew last night, but I had to leave my travel mug in the car during the film (Doctor Who: Deep Breath, if anyone is interested) and it cooled off. I had thought I liked it better hot, so I made it again tonight, with a little extra leaf since I was using a 12oz mug.
I really want to like this, but something is amiss, and I don’t know what. I have enough for a few steeps left, though I need to make sure that I save enough for CrowKettle to try.
This one smells really good in the bag! I just want to keep sniffing! I can pick up the butterscotch, but the mocha and hazelnut do sort of meld together. Steeped, I definitely get more butterscotch than anything. My brew seemed a little thinner than I had hoped I’d get, though I might have under leafed it. I was hoping to get a bit more body for the white, and have the heavier butterscotch, hazelnut and mocha flavours add to the depth and richness in that way that you would want on a crisp autumn day, or a colder winter one. Something thicker that wraps around you like a hug…only less caffeine than a black would.
I do feel like if I used more leaf, I’d get that, and I’m toying with adding milk to enhance the richness. I do still find that for a white tea, it is rich and has more body than you’d expect (just not quite enough for me, unless upping the leaf helps), and I would recommend this to others.
I may readjust my rating once I have made another cup and used more leaf.
Having this one tonight as pre-birthday tea, and also I feel bad tea (headache and nausea). Hoping it makes me feel better some, with the ginger, and just for the sheer fact that I love this one so much.
I did not steep this one particularly well, but it is particularly forgiving, so it’s ok…I still love this one and cannot wait til my order arrives…this was one of the few items I reordered…almost everything else was new.
Sorry, but I killed this one. I had a hard time deciding what ratio to use, and ended up with the whole packet, which was way too much, and I should not have used the whole packet with my 12 oz of water. What I could taste of it, it was like the sheng from David’s and Verdant that I’ve had.
I am thankful to Angel at Teavivre for sending this one my way. I sent the other pack to a friend to see what she thinks because she doesn’t like pu erh teas, but I told her these were different, and not the thick pu erh teas they’re likely to have had. Anway, I feel bad I busted my only sample. :(
It’s been a long time since I have had this one in my cupboard. I only recently picked more up, as I feel like I have been better with greens since then. I have to have to have to set a timer or I forget and oversteep my greens all to frequently. Since I started to do that, I am much happier with my greens.
This one is no exception. It’s back to being a have again. Not too bitter, lightly sweet from the pineapple, and the medium bodied green blends well with the walnuts. I originally tried it because I like genmai cha, and this is sort of like a variation on that.
Right now I am preferring this chilled, because it’s been hot here. Well, hot FOR HERE. It’s not hot by those who really know hot. I spent 30 years in Florida before living in BC. That is hot, and the humidity there is much worse than it is here…
Anyway, I will probably get more of this over the summer and into fall. I do really like it.
Had this again today…really enjoying this one this summer. I actually like it when it is cooled off too. I’m tempted to see how this one is with milk, though I feel like it may ruin it…but I have that curiosity to try.
use skim or 1%, anything thicker does overpower it a bit. I’ve steeped it strong and added a bit of milk then made popsicles with great results actually!
Backlog…I had this one yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised on how beautiful this little tuocha is, and I took a picture or two and posted to Facebook even. One friend commented how it looked like a bird’s nest, and I can see that.
It smelled sweet, and the liquor was golden. This is not one of those fishy an earthy pu-erhs you might be thinking. The flavour is mild, a little sweet, a bit heavier body for a lighter brew, but still tasty. I don’t know what lotus leaf tastes like, so I can’t really comment on that, but I’d say that this tea is also smooth. It was not overly floral or tart or astringent. It’s just a nice tea. It almost has a sticky rice note to it too.
Thanks to Angel at Teavivre for sending this to me as part of the 3rd anniversary sample pack. Many thanks!