3010 Tasting Notes
Amazing what a decent night’s sleep will do to your taste buds.
I can actually TASTE. Interesting to read previous notes on this one; all are a little different. First thing that comes to my mind is “malty darjeeling.” Really good malty. Thinking this will be tasty iced a little later today.
Just after kind and loving tea friends helped to re-stock my pantry, we hit a hot weather stretch that makes hot cuppas a little less appealing. HOWEVER, this tumbler-full got neglected at work (our school district had seven buildings tornado-damaged, so it’s chaos professionally too) and after icing it down at lunchtime, I discovered a real treat! Almost milkshake flavor. SimplyJenW, thanks!
Was able to carve out a very few brief moments to enjoy this at my parents’ farm yesterday before a day full of packing, power washing, and insurance headaches. I think I may be getting my chops back - could really enjoy the dark, cocoa essence that I’ve been reading about.
In case you need to know, it is impossible to put one’s life completely back together from scratch in three weeks working 14-16 hour days. Therefore, since it’s a lost cause anyway, I am going to resolve to carve out a little time to restore with a cuppa and a good book (right now, I’m hanging on to my Good Book for dear life) every day. Life can wait.
Thanks again, Doulton, for providing this lovely respite-in-a-pouch.
I have seen such amazing reviews for this tea – I am so glad you have it! You are still in our prayers. Sending virtual HUG right now! PM me your new physical address!
A post-storm gift from SimplyJenW that was much appreciated on my new, hopefully very temporary, 40-mile commute. I don’t know if research can confirm that trauma messes with your taste buds, but I’ve been having trouble picking up subtleties in what I’ve been drinking. Can sure tell there’s some Assam in here, which was a real treat.
My tea hero Doulton sent this my way … had to make the morning cuppa with rural farm water (Hard. Blecch.) so mineral taste cancelled out a lot of the subtlety. Even so, I caught the sweet notes I’ve read about and am looking forward to a better cup on a better day.
Taking a break from household reconstruction to flit online and discovered this review is posted: http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/2213/tea-review-mark-t-wendell-hu-kwa-lapsang-souchong-2/
Incidentally, the cup in the profile picture survived the storm; it’s handle didn’t. :(
Another storm survivor; dirt and sawdust free. Drank a cup in an unchipped mug on the farm where we’re refugeeing with my feet put up on a Rubbermaid tub. Was a blessing, for just a few moments, to lay eyes on a landscape that was green and lush and had trees with leaves and bark.
YES, FRIENDS, THIS TEA CAN WITHSTAND AN F5 TORNADO. One rubbermaid tub contained some bits and pieces…I had some for breakfast. Amen and amen. Miracles continuing to happen in my family. Thanks for your prayers.