3010 Tasting Notes
Nothing much new and notable to say about this one, other than we’ve found another one my husband will drink…when he deigns to drink with me, it’s always stiffer stuff, Assams and all. Makes me smile to be able to make two cups in the morning, not just one.
This was also a T.J. Maxx find, and at $4.99 for 50 round sachets, definitely qualifies for a mention in the Cheapster Steepster Noteworthy List.
Okay, I have GOT to get a thermometer. Have ruined way-y-y too many potentially good cups lately because I heat my water by the “eh, that looks about right” method. That’s why I tend to stick to black teas, I’m just too spacy and distracted to coddle quality greens and oolongs. (Got any recommendations for can’t-ruin-it-no-matter-how-hot-you-get-the-water blends/brands in either category?)
At any rate, this one started out bitter and somewhat disappointingly. However, a sloppily tossed in sugar cube has rescued it somewhat and brought back the caramel and chestnut flavor somewhat. I’ll do better next time. Maybe. I’ll really concentrate and pay attention. Oh, look…a robin!
In the green tea category, Gunpowder tends to be pretty forgiving on steeping temperature—I think in part because it is processed into those little pellets. I believe some of the really high grade green teas can also be more hassle free (Anji Baicha?). I have brewed the Yellow tea I had today (H&S Yunnan Yellow Sprout) previously at fairly high temps (I think I went to 190F, which is high for Greens/Yellows) and did not scorch it.
For my green/yellow teas I always use a thermometer, and a timer, because I am also very distract-able.
That is why I love my Breville One-touch. Don’t need to babysit the kettle or use a thermometer, nor do I need to worry about the timer anymore (except there are still quite a few teas that I brew using my gaiwan, and then I need the timer) The Breville is easily the most used appliance in the kitchen second only to the refrigerator and I don’t know how I lived without it.
Review’s up at http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/2658/tea-review-teafrog-tahiti-cream-rooibos-tea-2/. Not as good as a vacation to somewhere sunny, but it’ll improve the atmosphere wherever you are.
It was a Very Proper Valentine from my Thoughtful Husband…Two Boxes of Tea Carrying the Royal Warrant. This was the stouter of the two (the other was my newfound love Yorkshire Gold). On the dark side of the color and flavor spectrum, plenty of deep maltiness from the Assam. Quite Appropriate for watching The IT Crowd or the season finale of Downton Abbey.
Just enough for a snow-day pot of this one. Fortuitously, I planned a day off for today anyway to stay home and keep shoveling…paperwork, not precipitation.
Just a good, basic, can’t-ruin-it Ceylon—even with a sloppy microwave reheat after it sat cold most of the morning.
This was a sample received for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com. I’ve poked around the website, but not much … I don’t recall seeing any mention of U.S. storefronts or distributors.
I wonder how this tea in comparison with UVA Shawlands Estate Orange Pekoe by The East India Company?
It says “East India Company Sarnia estate tea is produced in Uva region of Sri Lanka”.
I really love a very strong “UVA” flavour of UVA Shawlands Estate Orange Pekoe. I wonder how is this one?
Anybody can share experience please?
Another one for further consideration and meditation before writing it up for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com. Makes a nice companion WWII-era coffee-ration drink for what I’m reading…an early review copy of “Mr. Churchill’s Secretary” by Susan Elia MacNeal. Due out officially next month or April, I believe. Female British expatriate mathematician returns to London and subsequently gets a job as a typist to Winston, which she believes to be be beneath her, but … the plot’s still thickening.
Just a quick log without much comment; will be writing this one up later for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, but it’s going to take a while to figure it out. BEI guards their ingredient lists like the queen’s jewels! “Sensuous blossoms and spices” may be dramatic, but not specific :)
The description had me at “winter blues;” boy, do I need an antidote. My first snuffle at the packet resulted in a sneezy-nose full of spearmint, so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to detect the blackberry, but it’s definitely in there, especially with a little bit of sweetener to root it out.
I don’t think I’ll have the fortitude to wait till hot weather to try this iced, but it’s definitely got a summer-cooler personality.
Nicely balanced, nicely done, and much appreciated. Props to the blending chops of Keenteathyme!
Quadruple series of rough workdays compounded by trying to interpret 9-month-old water damaged receipts for tax purposes compounded by news of already frail 81-year-old mother in hospital with severe abdominal pains just inconveniently far enough a flying evening run to check on the folks is neither practical nor sensible … I just need something gentle that needs no attention and calms my stomach that was too tense for dinner while I pray and wait for news.
The ginger is kind to the stomach; the lemon is just tingly enough to perk up the tastebuds a little, the fact that I can leave the bag in the cup without monitoring steeping times is a godsend.
Understanding husband hugged me as I was dunking the bag and the cup and said, “You need to ask your Steepsters what they recommend for amnesia-in-a-cup.’” Amnesia in a cup. Tonight that sounds just lovely :)
P.S. As one who often uses this forum for therapy as much as tea research, thank you. You are truly an eclectic, generous, and kind bunch of people.
Wishing you the best and calmest possible night! I hope everything works out. I am sure tomorrow will be a brighter day! : )
It is a pleasure to be part of such a generous and amazing group of people! Thanks to you for being here as well!
hugs I wish I could help more! maybe a tea with Valerian in it… that stuff knocks ya right out. Not sure about amnesia but sleep is almost as good, right?
Sending positive vibes your way…
xoxoxo Amnesia in a cup might contain something more spirited than tea. How about amnesia in a book? :) Sometimes thinking about other situations takes me away from my own for a bit, and it feels like a relief! You and your family are in my thoughts.
I hear T.J. Maxx mentioned often. Ours is pathetic. Bad clothes, trinkets, and no tea. sigh. Happy for the rest of y’all.
I’m with you gmathis on the joy of making tea for two. I work hard to find tea that both my wife and I like. Still, the rewards are worth it!
I have yet to find anything worth wearing or toting home at ours except for the tea … which is pretty sporadic in availability.