3010 Tasting Notes

drank Focus by Tazo
3010 tasting notes

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drank Focus by Tazo
3010 tasting notes

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3010 tasting notes

Since I had a full enough schedule that I had to set the alarm on a Saturday (bleh), I figured I’d at least psych myself for the day with a really good cuppa. Now that I’ve learned the lighter-is-better technique on this one, it’s absolute fruity perfection.

And even better—the half pot I left till this afternoon ices down wonderfully. Doesn’t lose a bit of flavor cold. Makes me crave strawberry sorbet. Perfect for a warm and pleasant spring day.

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drank Rouge Bourbon by Mariage Frères
3010 tasting notes

The one dining option in our little burg (pop. 1,035) is the Johnboat Cafe. Seats 20, maybe; limited but tasty menu of perfectly fried catfish, gator, pulled pork, and tenderloins an acre around. Owner, a Louisiana native—love his soft accent—comes out to check on you personally, and last night, took a picture of each plate before he served it. (New menu forthcoming and he needed photos :)

After a sandwich with shrimp as big as a fifth-grader’s fist, there wasn’t a lot of comfortable room for dessert. This worked well. LIttle sweet, the rooibos there to battle the bloat, bit of a Cajun flavor in the name.

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drank Sencha by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Wish I could find Tea Forte’ goodies locally. Loved the opportunity to get my hands on some for review:



I usually find them in very unexpected places, like high-end gift shops and such.


I saw some lately in Chinatown, of all places. You’d think they’d have Chinese tea!

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drank Lemon Drop Cooler by 52teas
3010 tasting notes

It’s been a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week. Concerns about elderly mom’s health and dad’s ability to care for her. I’ve been trying to balance out a financial report at work, unsuccessfully, for nearly a week. Major revisions needed to a writing project. Surly teenager. My tummy hurts.

I’m thinking that, of the week’s woes, the only one I can currently do something about is the stomach thing. Can’t remember which of you good folks mentioned it in a recent note, but saw something about rooibos as a potential remedy. The lemony tang is lightening the intestinal blecch somewhat. Nice counterpart to the rooibos.


It will get better. Hang in there! It will, it will, it will!


I always go for Chamomile and mint for a tummy upset… or pu’erh if it’s really bad! Ashmanra is so right, it will get better xx


Thanks, friends. The stomach is a little better and I’m wearing my bright Crayola yellow sweater. I know these troubles are light and momentary, but some days the moments are just heaver and longer ;)

Recently, we were at the store—still restocking—trying to determine what medicine cabinet basics we still haven’t got, and it was a pleasure to walk by all the stomach-ceuticals knowing that I have a tea pantry full of much more pleasant remedies.


Hope all gets better soon!

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Pale gold—compliments the daffodils that are starting to stick their noses out in around the little stone tuffet in our new yard. Light and fruity but has a nice substantial weight on the tongue. A small snifter of early spring.


Would this be the zombie bunny tuffet?? O.O


…Zombie bunny tuffet?? 0_o


Former owners had a decaying little two-layer stone flower bed (the tuffet). Perched atop said tuffet was a pastel blue bucket of unidentified mossy leafy stuff inhabited by a very … used … white concrete bunny with the paint chipping off. No eyes painted on it. Gives me the creeps, but we just moved it instead of destroyed it. Just in case.

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drank Queen Mary Tea by Culinary Teas
3010 tasting notes

Reading my previous notes on this one, I’ve been all over the map adjectivally—coppery, bready…this morning I’m getting “fruity.” Grape and berry hints.

The one consistency in my inconsistent reviews of this one is that they’re all good A great morning tea, best straight up. On the upper end of the Cheapster Steepster penny-pinching scale, but it’s not unreasonably priced at Culinary Teas.

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Just enough for one last pot; it’s still a good breakfast tea, but in the greater and grander scheme of things, it had a pretty narrow “sweet spot” range; Assams should be un-ruinable.

Regardless, the image of a stout and brawny gentleman facing his fisticuffiant opponent with chin up and elbows in fits the morning - writing about helping children deal with fears and phobias today.

Change of topic and blatant mewl for input: moms and dads, what are some unusual (or annoying) childhood fears that drove (or are driving) you a little nuts?


Flying monkeys! and spiders but that’s a bit common.


Flying monkeys aren’t. May they stay in Oz where they belong :)


Clowns. I have problems with clowns. My kids feel the same way.


ashmanra’s comment made me remember the fear I have of anyone dressed as a character in a big costume. This first happened to me on the seashore boardwalk when someone was dressed as Mr. Peanut!


My mother said I broke away from her and RAN down the boardwalk and no one could catch me! They had to call the boardwalk security and have them look for me! (I was maybe 4?). I am still extremely uneasy around this sort of thing. Disney world was hell!

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Review’s posted: http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/2716/tea-review-shepherds-tea-organic-peach-white-tea/

White teas are, on my wishy-washy and consistently inconsistent rating scale, my lesser favorites, but this one was surprisingly pleasant and flavorful.


I liked this one. Quite good!


There’s also a cranberry (rooibos?) I think in my review box—just had one cup without analyzing too much, but it was also nice.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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