3011 Tasting Notes

drank Turkish Apple by Upton Tea Imports
3011 tasting notes

Think this will pass the chill test just fine. I threw the leftovers after my original steep into a pint jar and tucked it in the fridge. Even with recycled apple chunks (yeah, doesn’t THAT sound appetizing?) it was passable. Ought to do nicely with fresh stuff right out of the bag.

I thought about adding a little sugar as I was drinking last night, but I figured that would just make it into apple juice and ruin the lightness and freshness of its tisane personality.

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drank Turkish Apple by Upton Tea Imports
3011 tasting notes

It wasn’t exactly a surprise, because I knew it was coming, but in my poor-me frame of mind, it was nice to come home to my little goodie box of samples I ordered from Upton. (I guess the surprise was how speedily it got here—props to their customer service.)

Big chunks of apple makes this look good and chewy; smells like fresh produce. After a honkin’ old steep time of eight minutes, the color was so light, I was braced to be disappointed. I braced needlessly. It’s delicate—doesn’t hit you in the face—but is pleasantly, mellowly crisp and fruity. Golden Delicious peel instead of Granny Smiths.

Not sure how well this will take to a second steep, but I’m going to give it an overnight shot—I think this would be great cold.

Hesper June

I have just been looking into Turkish Apple Teas.
I might have to look up this tea, it sounds yummy and perfect for the upcoming autumn season:)

Dylan Oxford

Awww, why poor-you?

Also: thanks. I’ve been trying to figure out the perfect way to get a dried apple ‘base’ for some personal tea blending. Totally hadn’t thought of this amazingly reasonably priced tisane from Upton being a great place to start.


oooh, this sounds kinda nice!


Pooh. Lost a whole pity-party comment trying to correct a typo. Maybe I just wasn’t meant to post it ;)

Dylan, I think this would blend nicely, as long as the blend-in isn’t too overwhelming. This has more of a summer-just-off-the-tree feel than a fall cider-and-spice feel to it.

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drank Osmanthus Puer Tea by Pure Puer Tea
3011 tasting notes

I chilled my second steep of this and, while it’s still very mild, cold, I’m getting more of that rocky taste. (Again, that’s not bad—it’s just the distinguishing mark of this variety.) My experience with the Great and (Not So) Powerful Os-manthus has been a pleasant one, as well. Citrusy floral, not perfumey floral like heavy jasmine.

On this beastly hot afternoon, thoughts of clear springs and damp caves are wonderful indeed. Took a short country drive after lunch and I saw some french-fried cornfields that nearly made me cry. If you’re a farm kid, you’ll understand.

Hesper June

Sadly, as a farmers wife, I understand to well.


Is drought as bad in your direction?

Hesper June

No, thankfully, we are not as dry as others just yet.

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
3011 tasting notes

Strawberry Black Tea + Pappy’s Sassafrass = sit back in your rocking chair, turn up the Southern Gospel to obnoxious levels, and grin at those 100-degree temps because you’ve got a whole quart of this stuff to hand.

(1 T concentrate to a tumbler of my new favorite Good Young/Traditions Strawberry Black. An ornery and mischievous combination, but a good ’un.)

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drank Osmanthus Puer Tea by Pure Puer Tea
3011 tasting notes

Our mutual friend ashmanra is helping expand my pu-erh horizons, and tucked a lovely little packet into a card a few days ago.

If I didn’t know what it was, I certainly wouldn’t classify it as a pu-erh. Nice amber color, gentle base (none of that cave-y peat moss stuff) with an orangey finish. Loving it!

(Unrelated and probably not as funny to you as it was to me—-mentioned to my non-teaist teen that I’m drinking pu-erh and he quipped, “Pooh Bear tea? Wouldn’t that be anything with honey in it?” BadumpBUMP.)


LOL! That is a lot nicer than what my kids call it. They call it poo air, because they say it smells like when they used to clean the barn at horse camp!


Oh, and my son and his girlfriend didn’t like this one as much as Teavivre’s because it didn’t taste enough like puerh to them, too much like black tea! I really like it, though!


Is this a shu or sheng? Oh, and ashmanra, best I can tell from web searching poo air is problably actually correct – even though we all know they weren’t interested in being correct as much as they were in winding you. I say if the shu fits – drink it!


It is a shu! Would you like to try it, K S?


I saw a tv special recently and the Chinese people almost sounded like they were saying “poor” but drawing it out. It is hard to describe…My kids, however, are very clearly and distinctly saying POOOOOO AIR! LOL!

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I’m a teetotaler, so this little gift-basket hangover remedy has malingered at the bottom of my herbal basket for a good long while. However, after wearing out two hankies, a pillow, and a spouse with my sobbing and sniffling last night, I was feeling decidedly yucky when I woke up this morning. (Publication I’ve written for for years broke up with its writers. Serious gut kick to ego and household economics.)

So, sniffing nothing too offensive in the little sachet, I glumly tossed this little bag in my black Dr. Who mug (matched my mood) this morning. Wasn’t a bit unpleasant; a nice berry-mint, mostly berry. Left the bag in while sipping and it didn’t bitter up until a good half hour had passed.

As to the restorative effects…I got up and mowed the dried weeds in our side yard (can’t call it grass), post-tantrum headache is still there, but not pounding. Might be worth a try.

Autistic Goblin

cool a Dr. Who mug.. I’m jealous!


Sorry that you’re sad and tumbling! Stay close to your Steepster friends!


Anticipate something great! Praying for you during the wait…

Autistic Goblin

Life will get better :D Just hang in there and muddle through untiil it does :D

Michelle Butler Hallett

So sorry about the publication snarl. That truly bites.

Also jealous of the Dr Who mug. :)


I am sorry to hear about your troubles. When life is hard it is always preparing you for something bigger and better! All of my positive thoughts go to you! :)


You are all kind. Thank you for letting me whimper.I know that I know that I know we will be provided for. God’s made that clear I don’t know how many times over the past year or so. We agreed to give me a weekend to mope and then we’ll just move on to “what’s next?” (Much of my moping this morning was done at a fill-a-bag-for-five-bucks used book sale.)


I have debated all day whether to post this… A while back while praying for rain, the thought was planted that the real blessing is in the sustaining during the drought. I am trying to hold on to that concept and apply it to life. I thought this might speak to you as well. Be blessed.


I have nothing to add, that hasn’t already been beautifully said, other than to give yourself that time to mope a bit. You’ll get “back to it” better that way.


You all are just precious, if nobody’s told you that recently.


D’oh sorry you are having such troubles. Virtual hugs and positive thoughts sent your way.


Love coming your way, GG! There is no easy way to go through these things, but I’m so glad we have tea to help a little. (Also – you’re such a good writer. Don’t let whatever is going on with THEM affect YOUR writing confidence!)


…and you too KS – Don’t keep your beautiful thoughts inside your head :) Do not hesitate. Your birds of a feather will understand :)


Hugs! I hope all becomes clearer very soon. Otherwise, I hope you find peace in the wait.


Well said, JacquelineM!


Praying for a little rain for all of us today.

Wish I could find Ricky Skaggs to sing it to you, but this is a fair kitchen-table cover of a song that sinks in deeply:


Lyrics here: http://lyrics.wikia.com/Ricky_Skaggs:Give_Us_Rain

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This was buried treasure…literally. The packet had jumbled itself down to the bottom of my goodie basket but was unopened, so even though it’s a little oldish, it smelled oh-so-good! Like sticking my nose in a bag of wedding mints.

Steeped, the vanilla is coming through the loudest. (Should I worry when I describe taste with an auditory adjective?) Black tea base could have been plenty stronger for me, but I wasn’t paying attention to the size of the spoonful I dumped in my tumbler. I may have to try again. Aw, shucks :)


No worries… Vanilla can be loud! Just avoid screeching flavors…. They are not pleasant! ;)


Flavors that screech…hibiscus! (I’m sure there are others.)

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
3011 tasting notes

Green and Lemon Tea (San Francisco Herb Co.) + juice from one can of sliced pineapples = nah.

In theory, it sounded great, especially since I love this particular green/lemon blend. Flavors just didn’t meld well. Eh. Live and learn.

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drank Green Tea by Unknown
3011 tasting notes

Still haven’t officially sourced this one since it came out of a bin, but sure was enjoyable this evening. Nice, clean vegetal smell dry; smooth and pleasant steeped. Just tastes like “ordinary” green tea should taste.

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It’s so wicked hot I think my taste buds have withered. Thus, the stronger the better, at least for the now. I used (accidentally) two bags in a Tervis tumbler this morning, then when I realized my oops, I cut the steep time down to about a minute and a half, and was still able to throw both bags in a Mason jar to leave all day for iced tea tonight. And it was still viable.

Nothing particularly subtle about the blend, just dark, strong, and handsome. (Did I just say that? Ay-yi-yi.)


If you added rich I’d say send him over!

Invader Zim

Where’s the like button for comments?!

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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