3011 Tasting Notes


This one has an “eat-your-vegetables” strictness about it, but it’s still a good, clear green tea.

Besides, cruciferous vegetables are good for you. Dr. Sheldon Cooper says so.



Hesper June

Gotta love Sheldon:)

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3011 tasting notes

Yesterday’s sprinkles gave way to real rain. You can just feel the tired old earth around me go “ahhhhhh.”

I woke up craving this. I must have needed an “ahhhh” too. This is lovely and fruity (love that strawberry thing) on its own, but I splashed in a little milk to see what would happen. Not much, but it’s excellent either way.

I’m thinking that if I had to make a list of “you-gotta-try-it” for tea newbies, this would definitely be on it.


The Anna’s Tea from Tin Roof Teas reminds me a bit of this. I think you would like it, too. Maybe I can send a bit your way! :)


Yay for rain!


Cool! I haven’t Googled it, but I’m gathering from some of your previous comments Tin Roof is a local-ish place?

And oh, my how the moisture was needed! Trouble is, now I’m seeing disturbing patches of green in the back yard…I haven’t had to mow since early June!

Dylan Oxford

“disturbing patches of green”, I feel ya there.


I have it ready to mail tomorrow! Yes, Tin Roof Teas is in Raleigh. Anna’s is raspberry yogurt black and soooo tasty. It reminds me of Marco Polo. Then I had their Strawberry Vanilla Green tea and swooooned. I put both in your envelope!


Yay! Good mail to look forward to!

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Lean, clean, and green.

Boston Tea has become a favorite of mine; everything of theirs I’ve tried is quality stuff.


Boston Tea does have some quality offerings. And I like their tins.

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Steeped a stout mug this morning to celebrate
a) rain—well, sprinkles but it’s a start
b) the sudden and thoughtful appearance of some half-and-half in the fridge; we don’t keep it in hot weather
c) the sudden and thoughtful appearance of an unexpected writing assignment (thanks, God!)
d) oh, and while I’m celebrating, it’s Barton County Fair week, should any of you care to swing by Lamar, Missouri. Art show, agricultural tent (doesn’t smell like tea!) and the parade’s at 2.
Because of the big event, Mom’s hair place closed for the week and I’m on my way to help with an octogenarian hairstyling party.


No better stories than old ladies! I r one!


I don’t do curlers! My “client” (victim?) on the other hand, strongly believes it’s the only way to do hair. We compromised. Blow dryer on the back, those horrible, torturous blue plastic clamp curlers on the front. :)

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Excellent second steep. The coconut is less candy-sweet and the lemongrass becomes more pronounced. Still superbly balanced. Did I mention I love coconut in my tea? Goooooood stuff!


Hey, isn’t Teafrog the company that had that amazing chocolate and cream tea? I had forgotten it. Gee thanks, now I want to place an order…


Yep. Sorry. (Wicked grin.)

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drank China Classic Oolong by foojoy
3011 tasting notes

So…I had this, evidently, at a restaurant about a year ago. If it’s where I think it was, my entree was likely so spicy it burnt off my ability to detect all but the most rudimentary flavors. So at the time, I called it “nutty.”

K S sent me another bag to try, sans spicy drunken basil stir fry, and I’d like to amend my previous description. This time around, I’m getting Juicy Fruit. (Which, according to various wiki-think opinions, incorporates banana, pineapple, and peach…and maybe jackfruit, whatever that is.)

Vagueness notwithstanding (on my part), it’s pretty tasty, I know it meets my Cheapster Steepster standards, and there’s always something to be said for a convenient little bag you can tuck in your purse or pocket. Worth checking out.

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Only new observation after several cups of this one is that it is a lot friendlier with a little milk.

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This is some serious coconutty jazz! Macaroon srength. Lemongrass gives it a little dimension. I’m on my first full strength cup, so I’m not catching much green tea at all, but I’m thinking it may creep out on the second steep.

In the meantime, this is gooooood!

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drank Assam Gold by The Tea Merchant
3011 tasting notes

Good second steep potential on this one: I tossed in a pinch (maybe 1/4 teaspoon) of fresh leaves in with the used ones, left it sloppily for uh, a while, and I just looked at the tumbler and wondered where it all went :)
Getting something a little sweet and fruity at the end of each sip.


Shhhhush! It’s a secret that we all do this sometimes!

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drank English Teatime by Bigelow
3011 tasting notes

One of those days that require a steady drip of caffeine to keep moving forward. This one does the trick. Smooth with a little sweetness at the end of each taste. Bigelow does bagged tea well and properly.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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