3011 Tasting Notes

Confirming the second steepability of this one. The green tea base is more pronounced the second time around, but there’s still enough strawberry to make it seem fresh, not tired and leftover.

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drank Assam Gold by The Tea Merchant
3011 tasting notes

Just a quick note that this makes a pretty tasty iced tea…even using second-steep leaves.

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For those of you who have heard me wax exceedingly and wordily poetic about Tradition Strawberry Black Tea—my cheapie steepie favorite this summer—this is its green tea twin.

The strawberries-and-cream flavor comes through mightily, but you can tell that behind the berries is a lovely and light green tea base. Haven’t second steeped it yet, but I think the sweetenin’ is strong enough it will take another cup nicely.

Many thanks to ashmanra for keeping my rear planted in my writing chair where it belonged this afternoon!


I LOVE this one! I hoped you would like it since you love your strawberry black!


The flavors are really, really close.

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I love it when I find part of a tin of really good stuff I forgot I had!
A whole pot at the ready on this second rainy morning in a row. This is as rich and grainy and (just slightly) smoky as I remember it. Mahogany personified.

Hopefully, Jackee’s ready to add a little punch to my vocabulary, too: blessing arrived in the form of a writing assignment with a bit of a knockout deadline. Time to get at it!

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I’m trying to like this one. I really am. It doesn’t like me back, much. Something about the blackcurrant flavor is—flat? stale? A little Sugar in the Raw did improve it enough to finish the cup.

Not much left in the sample; I may see if it’s blendable with something a little more friendly.

Win some, lose some. (Speaking of lose some, anybody seen my other brown sparkly earring?)


Sorry… I think the gremlins took it away to Neverland. :)


Shame on those gremlins. I guess I’ll just have to go buy cheap gaudy trinkets at the local $1 jewelry outlet.


I was not terribly impressed with this myself.


I wonder if a little maple syrup might autumn it up a little.

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It’s been a week … after several wearying days in a row, I am feeling decidedly undynamic, so let’s see if this helps.

Darjeelings aren’t generally my morning go-to teas; they’re not quite heavy enough for wake-up duty. This one is medium, both in flavor and in “kick.” It’s a juicy thirst-quenching tea, nice fruity background. I’m seeing muscatel and apple in other notes, it reminded me a little of citrus pith. I just need to adjust the time of day I imbibe :)

You’ll like this if you love darjeelings. It’s good quality stuff.

Ed Fladung

Being a dyed in the wool Darjeeling fan, I would crank up the temperature, they recommend 185, I would give it 190-193 and definitely steep 5 minutes. I think with the lower temperatures they loose their backbone. Too high the bitterness comes out. They need time though to really open up.


Yes, I think this one is tough enough to take a little harsher treatment. (Which is fine with me…I don’t like to have to pamper my tea.)


must be national bad week… I’ve had one of those to! here’s to better days :)

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I am not completely sure this is what I’m drinking; sample from a friend. She got it at a restaurant/tea house in Springfield MO. I don’t know whether Adagio has a restaurant wholesale relationship or not.

Other than some rose petals in what I’m seeing, however, the sample is nearly identical to the product photo here.

Enough conjecture. What I’m sure of is that this smells unbelievably sweet and fruity. “Like candy,” one coworker said. (People are finally getting used to my sticking a Ziplock bag under their noses and saying, “You gotta smell this!”)

Equally sweet and fruity when steeped. A glorious tropical mishmash with some candi-ness to it. Ought to be great on ice.


Adagio does sell wholesale I’m pretty sure, as I’ve seen other tea companies carrying their blends.

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drank Hampton Breakfast by Ahmad Tea
3011 tasting notes

Finally getting around to trying this one with milk…just a teeeeny bit to take the edge off this strong stuff. Perfect. Jeeves would serve this. Efficient, gets the job done, but makes you think it was all your idea.

Hesper June

I wish I had a Jeeves:-)


I just started reading My Man, Jeeves to youngest, who is sort of MY Jeeves, always willing to make me a pot of tea!


Ever seen the Hugh Laurie/Stephen Fry BBC series?

Hesper June

The books and the show are both so good!


Yes, we have most of the series on DVD! We loved it!

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drank Mambo by Adagio Teas
3011 tasting notes

I paid absolutely no attention to preparation this morning, but I must have hit a sweet spot with this one—it is cocoa-y and juicy and … about two sips from gone. How did that happen?

A really good mix from Adagio. (Just curious—I wonder if they’re raking in more profits from their blend-it-yourself pop culture teas or from their original selections.)

Daisy Chubb

Every time I see a new movie blend I wonder the same thing!


I was tempted to call them “vanity teas :)”

Daisy Chubb

I think that’s fitting! :)

..vaniteas? oh no!


That, too.

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drank Clipper Gold Loose Leaf by Bewley's
3011 tasting notes

Thick fog this morning. Me and the weather. (Right now, any weather phenomenon that involves moisture is serious atmospheric news.)

So a kick out the door was in order. This did it, although, due to my kitchen sloppiness, I picked up a little bit of yesterday’s Marco Polo in the cup as well. Delicacy with hobnail boots. (Yeah, I know, WASH the tea strainer, don’t just rinse it. I will. Tomorrow. Maybe.)


nice delicacy and hobnail boots


wow too bad I can’t send you some rain, its nearly flooding here because of hurricane Ike out west.


Floods aren’t fun, either! We may get some remnants of Isaac by end of the week, so we hear! (Hopefully AFTER he has tamed down!)
Rainy weather is so tea-friendly, though!


oh good, that’ll give you some needed water then! Issac should definitely tame down by then.
yes, rainy weather is the BEST for tea :)

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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