3010 Tasting Notes

This is smooth and excellent; nice and thick and hefty. I prefer breakfast teas minus milk and sugar, and, straight up, Mincing Lane needs none. I’m not sure if it’s the Yunnan that keeps the Assam from biting too much or the other way around, but in any case, it’s a wonderful morning tea.

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Made a full gallon of this and it’s been in the fridge for the better part of a week. This morning, it was so oppressively humid when we woke up (air conditioning at Shabby House leaves a lot to be desired) I ran straight for the jug. For a cheapie tea, it has stayed pretty fresh, doesn’t have that astringent/detergent taste that a lot of grocery store teas do. No, it’s not high quality, but when you need to guzzle in large quantities, it’s suitable.

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It’s been fun to read everyone’s prior tasting notes on this one—Thomas seems to bring out the mischieviously poetic in all of ya. And I can’t top any of them in descriptors. Stiff and stout, a good gumptious breakfast tea, yes.


I’m having this one as I type! I think he will give me the strength to vacuum the house :) :) :) I also just put the tape on your box :) I will mail it out Monday so be on the lookout xoxoxoxoxo


Nice to have something to look forward to!

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l like the “hints of apple skin” in the product description … this is light, lip-licking tart, and dry. Not enough left in the cup to ice down, but I bet it’s good cold.

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Smells wonderful; tastes…not as much. Unless you really like the tree-branch taste of ginseng. That’s hard to mask with any other flavoring.


Glad you reviewed this! I was wondering about it and nearly put it in my cart.

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drank Fujian Baroque by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

This one just gets better and better with its multiple personalities. Yeah, I’m getting cocoa, but I’m getting a little bit of crisp fruity. Now specifically digging it in the morning instead of blearily grabbing whatever I can find in the tea drawer.

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drank Fujian Baroque by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

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drank Mambo by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

I said recently I wonder how long it’ll be before I quit tensing up when the sky gets cloudy. Prayer answered: thunderstorms in area last night, and we slept through them. Very restorative physically and mentally.

The hot/humid/hazy that preceded the rain has lifted and the morning is clear and cool, so I’m taking a few minutes for myself before I go teach my church kids, and enjoying this gift from Doulton. Notes I’m reading refer to smoky, which I’m not getting much of, but it has a nice dark cocoa powder sweetness that, on an even cooler day, I can see myself having with half-and-half, maybe honey. Excellent.


Yesterday the wind blew very forcefully here just before a storm passed through – enough that hubby went out to batten down youngest daughter’s tent. I thought of you then, and hoped you wouldn’t have to deal with fears of wind and weather. I know it must be so hard…so glad you slept through it!

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Despite my love of the good stuff, I have always kept a pack of grocery store brand bags on hand for the sun tea jar — days like today, COLD trumps flavor. Tagless variety also makes for a good sunburn or eye compress. Headed to the farm to power wash muddy household goods, so this may come in handy for both purposes.


You inspired me! I just threw some old Luzianne bags in a glass pitcher to cold brew. Don’t know if it will work as a cold brew, but we will know by this evening! My mother-in-law’s dentist gives you a teabag when he pulls a tooth. He says to dampen it and then bite on it to stop the bleeding and help the clot form. Tea!


Me too! I’m always too miserly to waste my good stuff on a jug of sun tea. All teas have their place.


I was disappointed to see that no Always Save teas have been reviewed here…
:) You may have started something gmathis!

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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