I said recently I wonder how long it’ll be before I quit tensing up when the sky gets cloudy. Prayer answered: thunderstorms in area last night, and we slept through them. Very restorative physically and mentally.
The hot/humid/hazy that preceded the rain has lifted and the morning is clear and cool, so I’m taking a few minutes for myself before I go teach my church kids, and enjoying this gift from Doulton. Notes I’m reading refer to smoky, which I’m not getting much of, but it has a nice dark cocoa powder sweetness that, on an even cooler day, I can see myself having with half-and-half, maybe honey. Excellent.
Yesterday the wind blew very forcefully here just before a storm passed through – enough that hubby went out to batten down youngest daughter’s tent. I thought of you then, and hoped you wouldn’t have to deal with fears of wind and weather. I know it must be so hard…so glad you slept through it!