I had hid the Mountain Rose samples ashmanra sent me from Tazo (something catnippy in the packets made him extremely curious)…so well that I basically hid them from myself. Stumbled across this one this evening and after a screamer of a workday and a stress binge of too much junk, I could use a gentle wind-down.
This is a finely balanced combo: little mint, little floral, little sweetness from the stevia, nothing too bitter in the herbs. We’ll see how it does on the snooze factor, but regardless, I’m not sharing with Tazo. He gets to sleep 12 hours a day as it is.
Mine just aren’t interested in tea. Strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe… yes. Just not when it’s in tea.
Mine just aren’t interested in tea. Strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe… yes. Just not when it’s in tea.
Yep, first thing when he came in the room was jump on my lap and stick his nose in my mug :)
My cat is interested in my husband’s scotch. Any time he drinks some she tries to stick her head in the glass. It’s funny and alarming at the same time.