We waited until the idiots—er, combat shoppers—went home, then cautiously hit the local retail zone to pick a couple of very modest mom-and-mema-in-law gifts. Kohl’s looks like a war zone. But as we were looking for oven mitts that didn’t cost the price of a robotic arm, we discovered a small assortment of Boston Tea Co. gift teas at Bath and Body Works.
…which prompted me to promptly dig through the stash at home to see what Boston Tea stuff I still have. Their varieties are consistently good. And since it was in my hand, I made a pre-dinner cuppa of this really nice dragonwell. It is what good, plain green tea is supposed to taste and behave like: a teeny bit of citrus sharpness without being bitter, not finicky about time or temp as long as you don’t deliberately boil or stew it. The green tea equivalent of a perfectly comfortably fitting pair of jeans, all broken in.
Wait…Bath and Body Works sells tea?
Oops—-correction. Bed Bath and Beyond. All those B’s confused me!
Haha! Thats ok…I just had not been in a B&BW for 6 years and if they now had tea, I was gonna check them out;)