My first Butiki tea, with thanks to TeaEqualsBliss. I was amazed at how dark it steeped…deep purple velvet. It’s not so strong that I feel like I’m eating a wedding bouquet. On the contrary, it’s rich and … well, violety!

It’s been fun to sip and mull over as I enjoy my coolish and quiet neighborhood and watch Six O’Clock Charlie buzz the neighborhood. 6 O’C is a funky little para-glider contraption strapped to a go-kart. I can’t figure out for the life of me how he gets airborne with a puny little two-stroke lawn mower engine, but he looks like he’s having so much fun up there!


Sounds so Lipton Tea and Howdy America to sit on a porch in the Summer and watch somebody almost kill themselves with a puny-little contraption that’s so much fun. Wish I could watch with you! Or better still, wish I could fly!


LOL what fun!


Tea and Howdy America. That’s me!

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Sounds so Lipton Tea and Howdy America to sit on a porch in the Summer and watch somebody almost kill themselves with a puny-little contraption that’s so much fun. Wish I could watch with you! Or better still, wish I could fly!


LOL what fun!


Tea and Howdy America. That’s me!

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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