It smells like FROOT LOOPS! Which brings back all kinds of wonderful latent church nursery memories—-blocks and the toy kitchen and play doh and those cool Fisher-Price pull-along phones with the goofy goggly eyes and my teacher Miss Lenora who bought me a Peter Rabbit book…
All that to say, this has the most pleasant and fragrant fruit scent of any green tea I have tried in recent memory, hands down. And the scent doesn’t let up once it’s steeped; you can just bury your nose in it. The berry-pom flavor is lighter that the scent, but still strong and sweet. Not a hint of tartness, which makes this a winner as far as I’m concerned.
My thanks to K S for providing this goofy and relaxing trip a few years backward! (Then there was the room that was so small the piano could only face the wall and rather than turn her back on a bunch of four-year-olds while we were singing, the teacher with the beehive hairdo would play piano, and sing while c-r-i-n-k-i-n-g her neck towards us as far as it would go. I still remember all the lyrics.)
Father Abraham had many sons… I feel like I am in the room with you. Glad I could help bring back some wonderful memories.
I may never march in the infantry…ride in the cavalry (which we always mispronounced Calvary) … shoot the artillery…