Super Fruit Sencha

Tea type
Green Tea
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Goji, Lemongrass
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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31 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I thought I was finally coming to grips with this horrible week. I made a cup of this and was thoroughly enjoying it. Then the owner of the company came in and told me he had just let go one of my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another great tea from K S! Thank you! I saved the leaves last night because I really wanted to know if this flavored green resteeps well. It does! It does! This is still delicious, and since it...” Read full tasting note
  • “FINISHED an article with an October 1 deadline that was a dickens to write. I can (temporarily before I plunge into another assignment) see the surface of my desk! While I was working I guzzled...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you*nxtdoor* for sending me this sample. I’m not overly a fan of green teas but I do like fruity teas, so I was looking forward to trying this one out. Al in all not a bad fruity sencha. ...” Read full tasting note

From Fusion Teas

Now here is a combination that will turn heads. Gojiberry – blueberry and pomegranate flavors play the lead rolls in our newest green tea masterpiece. Summer fun-filled bright gojiberries bedded on rich, green Sencha with just the right spritz added by the lemon grass, the splash underlined by royal blue cornflowers. Allow yourself to be thrilled to the last sip: hot or chilled on the rocks a must-have this season!

Ingredients: Green Tea (80%), Gojiberries, lemon grass, pomegranate arils, flavoring, cornflower blossoms

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31 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

I thought I was finally coming to grips with this horrible week. I made a cup of this and was thoroughly enjoying it. Then the owner of the company came in and told me he had just let go one of my friends. We have worked together for over 31 years. They started with the oldest with most senority. Guess I will be next. Very sad day. Glad I had a brief moment of peace today with this cup.


Like that you had a good cup of tea. Dislike that you had a bad week! May things be brighter soon!


Oh, KS. So sorry about the bad week.


That sounds slightly illegal for them to do – letting people go before they have their full investment in their retirement perhaps?


This oldie says grrrrrr! And I’m sorry for you too! 31years is like family!


We’ve been through the “living under the guillotine” thing with my husband’s job. Hurting with you and praying.

Hesper June

I agree with Bonnie….Grrrrrrrrr!


D’oh! I hope things get better for you. Sounds like a really rough time.


Yikes! Hoping for best for you.


Thanks all. I have been hearing from some of the others from the office. They are in total shock as well.

Scott B

sorry to hear about this. very sad.

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3495 tasting notes

Another great tea from K S! Thank you!

I saved the leaves last night because I really wanted to know if this flavored green resteeps well. It does! It does! This is still delicious, and since it resteeps it just became economical enough for iced tea.

I just told my girls that I want them to help me. I am not allowed to buy any more tea until Christmas. Of course, as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I started outlining the exceptions, one of which was I can spend ten dollars on each trip to Tin Roof Teas. Then I changed it to twenty just in case. Some intervention this is gonna be, they don’t even go with us when we go to Raleigh!

How serendipitous that we will be up there today! We are returning a box turtle (Fluffy) to her home territory. Yes, we are spending all that money on gas for a box turtle. I hope she appreciates it. My daughter found her at the foot of the stairs at her apartment and thought she should bring said turtle to us. That is great, but we don’t want to put her in with our rescue turtles and turtles need to be in their home territory, which is very small, and with their slow metabolic rate they have little exposure to each other’s diseases. A new turtle coming into an established population can wipe out almost the whole population, so back home she goes. We will find some woods near where she was found and release her there. She was probably run out of her home by new construction.


What a big heart! I love people who do things like this. <3


First, this tea makes great iced tea according to a coworker. I haven’t tried it myself. Fusion had a good percentage off for first orders – when you are allowed to order. ha.

Second – where did you learn so much about turtles. Consider me impressed.


I am almost embarrassed to admit that for years we were part of a box turtle/tortoise discussion group online. We learned a lot, but seriously, how geeky can we get? LOL! We hatched a couple of nests of turtles, Eastern and three toed western, in the kitchen. The curator at the Asheboro zoo was who we had to call for help and advice because none of the vets around here treat turtles. My kids’ pediatrician wrote their prescriptions. LOL! We still have several. My hubby rescued one that was so covered in fire ants we didn’t know it was a turtle at first. He grabbed her and ran to the lake and swished all the ants off. It took three days for her nictating membrane to open, her eyes were so swollen. She is happy now, though! And Sam was taught to respect them right away…they have a large, natural enclosure outside and he doesn’t bother them at all! :) My two oldest kids were volunteers at the state aquarium and got to handle baby sea turtles.


I love turtles! I have one of my own, a red eared slider named Dr. Turtle. It’s so sweet that you do turtle rescue. And they all live outside, they must love that!


That’s great how you have an outdoor enclosure for them! Do you have tortoises as well? I love those guys. :)


I saw an African tortoise who was soooo adorable, but technically he was in the country illegally! We just have Eastern box turtles and Western three-toed or triungus turtles. They live under a dogwood tree and they have large patches of liriope. It looks like a tiny Jurassic Park when we go out to feed them and they all start stomping through the tall monkey grass to get to us. These turtles are considered tortoises by some because they don’t require bodies of water, but turtles by others because they do like water and love to sit in a pan of water just up to an inch or so above their shells. I told hubby he was lucky he had married someone who didn’t mind going out in the dark with a flashlight to catch a jar of slugs and crickets! I had no idea I would be doing that, but I am glad! Youngest daughter once got to lead baby sea turtles out to sea with a lantern. She was so small (only about 8 or 9) that I stood behind her to break the force of the waves hitting her. She was the only person who had brought a lantern instead of a flashlight to the nest excavation, so the tea turtle patrol said she should be the one to lead them out! It was an amazing experience.

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3010 tasting notes

FINISHED an article with an October 1 deadline that was a dickens to write. I can (temporarily before I plunge into another assignment) see the surface of my desk!

While I was working I guzzled enough heavy-caf stuff, I needed something a little lighter to celebrate the “done” feeling. This selection from the illustrious K S was just perfect. The fruit flavor is round and sweet, not thin and tart as in many fruited green teas. Not a bit of tartness.

Put my feet up while I was drinking, watched a Downton Abbey episode, and basked in the brief leisure.


Congrats on finishing your article. That’s always a good feeling!


Good news!


This one is delicious! I was pleased to find it under another name at Tin Roof Teas.


Glad you liked this one.

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15575 tasting notes

Thank you*nxtdoor* for sending me this sample. I’m not overly a fan of green teas but I do like fruity teas, so I was looking forward to trying this one out. Al in all not a bad fruity sencha. It’s a pretty tea to look at in leaf form and it smells lovely. I’m a fan of teh lack of floral notes in the brew as well. I think ill try cold brewing the last bit of my sample to see how that works out. I’m hoping it’ll make the fruity flavours pop a bit more.


I really like this one a lot. I cannot leave it in the drawer with my other teas. Everything tastes like this smells if I do.


Heh mines in a tin, keeping it from smelling up everything else!

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709 tasting notes

This day is no good. While working at reception this morning (never my favourite part of the day) a netbook was stolen from under my nose. Kind of a big deal, to me at least. At that point, I was ready to go home, but no, I have to stay and put in more time at reception, switchboard, etc. Fine. I get to switchboard after taking half a lunch (worked the other half because my true job was hectic) and accidentally over-steep my tea. For ten minutes. This is my first try of this tea and it smells so divine in the bag that I was hoping it would correct my wobbly day. Here’s hoping it is exceptionally forgiving..

My cup has two beautiful goji berries that smell fabulous. SO fabulous. And they’re pretty! And there’s no hibiscus! (Over)steeped, it still smells good but not as intense as when it was dry. First sips are a relief. I definitely don’t think this is at it’s maximum potential, but it is still very tasty. Surprisingly mild and unassuming at first, and with a delicious goji berry taste left at the end of the sip. No discernible green tea, really, but I can tell that there is a bit of burnt something in there, nullifying my wonderful gojis. I think I will hold off on a numerical rating and proper review until I can do this again properly, but for now let me say that I am impressed. If I had to rate this cup, it would get a 75, but since I know I screwed up (again!) I won’t punish what I think might just be an excellent tea.


So sorry to hear about your awful day. Was it your netbook or the company’s?


Unluckily (because of the guilt) it was the company’s but my coworker (who was using it) had a lot of personal information on it. She’s taken care of her banking and amazingly enough the laptop was recovered (apparently) while they shop-lifted at the Dollaram, but I still feel terrible about it. I don’t see that I could have done anything differently in the situation, but I feel bad. And it’s a little upsetting, no matter what.


What a day! You did the best you could, somethings just need to be shaken off.

The tea sounds amazing, I am always impressed by teas that when forgotten about can still taste great! I hope your next work day is not so hectic and crazy.

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470 tasting notes

So I’ve been having issues with my fridge recently, it’s not nearly cold enough. It was set to 5 when I moved in and had been fine up until recently, when stuff started going bad way too fast. So I turned it to 7 and made my nightly cold brew. I woke up and… it was a tea slushy. What the heck, fridge! It goes up 2 more coldness settings, I shudder to think what they’d do to my tea. So I have it at 6 now… I feel kind of like Goldilocks. In any case, I was really worried that it might have messed with the flavor of the tea, since the leaves were a bit frosty around the edges and I wasn’t sure when it started to freeze up.

Well the flavor is a bit tamer than I would have expected for a 14 hour steep, but I’ll chalk that up to the giant chunks of tea-ice. I really like berry teas and this blend has a pretty unique combination: blueberry and pomegranate are front and center, complimented by a lovely sencha base. I am not familiar with goji berry so I’m honestly not sure if I’m tasting it. There were some pretty large berries in there so I’m guessing they did impart some flavor, I just can’t pick it out from the blueberry/pomegranate. But that’s one of my favorite flavor combinations so I am not going to complain! This is really an excellent iced tea, really refreshing and very natural-tasting.


One of my favorite comfort teas. I don’t know what goji berries are either but this is tasty stuff. My favorite from Fusion Teas.

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284 tasting notes

Continuing on my quest to find green teas I enjoy I went ahead and brewed this one again following package instruction. I always brew tea the suggested way first before I start making adjustments. I received a few comments where people mention overleafing if flavour is not strong enough for me. This is fair and it makes sense, but I don’t want to overleaf if not necessary.

Fragrant dry leaf, gorgeous to look at with the red berries and blue flowers throughout the green tea. brewed 1.5 tsp for 2 minutes in 170 F water for a clear pale yellow liquor. Very very aromatic but lighter in flavour. Light base too. Second steep similar to first, continues to be extremely fragrant. Even as the tea cooled significantly, one can still smell it from few feet away.

There is great flavour here but still the base is too weak for me. I am still trying to figure it out if it’s the green tea itself or the tea company becauseI had similar experience with the lychee Licious from Fusion and with Japanese Cherry from PureAroma. Maybe I’ve been drinking so much flavoured blacks and oologs in the last couple of days that I forget greens are not as punchy.

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557 tasting notes

This one is pretty good too, it’s different for me because it’s just so fruity but it’s nice, these teas from Fusion Tea Room so far have been very good, smell wonderful and are full of pretty fruit pieces that make it nice to look at also.

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71 tasting notes

So, when I put my order in with Fusion Tea Room…I hinted nicely that any samples would be greatly appreciated and offered as reviews on Steepster. Thomas was in a generous Holiday Spirit and sent me a few, including this one
It says Super Fruit, so I naively thought they were just were trying to give it a cute name, but realized later ( my ditz moment) that it was named because the fruit were considered powerhouses in the fruit world.
I’m glad he did. It had a nice fruity-tangy aroma in the bag. What did it remind me of? Fruit stripe Gum!…but in a nice, natural sort of way. Is this what Gojiberries smell & taste like? I’ve seen then many times at health food stores and Asian Markets, but never brought myself to trying them. I will now.
It’s a light brew, so don’t expect a strong green tea here, but the fruit flavors blend so nicely with it. It’s sweet enough with a slight tang in the background that I didn’t think it needed sugar at all. I’ll mis this sample when it’s gone.
This will be amazing iced in the Summer, so I expect to purchase it.
Thank you Thomas at Fusion Tea Room

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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95 tasting notes

This is a pleasant enough sencha, but despite a very strong fruity smell (mainly pomegranate), the actual brew is very light on the fruit flavour. I was expecting a little more fruit, but it is still a pleasant sencha, just nothing special..

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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