Since it’s a rainy day, I have domestic stuff to do like laundry, and I’m not feeling the best, I’m spending the day indoors drinking tons of tea and trying to flush my system, so-to-speak. It’s been difficult getting in enough water at work so I know I’ve been dehydrated (I’m hoping that is the reason why I’m quite a few pounds heavier when I hopped on the scale this morning :( ). Therefore, it’s the perfect day for Oksusu cha. I’m already on my… 4th gigantic mug?
Less roasted corn went into the pot this time and I’m preferring it. This fourth mug is now on the buttery side. It’s like I’m drinking Corn Nuts, yo. I turned off the burner a while ago and have about 1-2 more mugs left in there. I figured I should stop there since that means that by the time I’m done, I’d be at ten cups (since my mug holds about two cups).
I got drenched walking home from the train after work last night. It was pouring so hard but I was determined to get home. That’s another reason why I’ve been craving a day-long tea session.