Funny how years ago, this used to be one of my favourite teas. I swear it tasted nuttier and just overall more flavourful than now? Right now, with half and half, it’s really reminding me of a better version of Florence. It tastes like a nut cluster thing. I don’t even know if this has chocolate flavouring in it, but I swear it’s like nut chocolate. Whatever it is, it’s better than Florence’s chocolate note.
Maybe I’ll lower the rating a bit. Just a touch. I mean, it’s still good for a nutty chocolate black tea, in my opinion, but just not as good as I had remembered.
I just came home expecting to Skype with my mom since my uncle was supposed to take her apartment shopping today but I just got a text that she’s been in the hospital since 2pm because her eye is going haywire and they can’t figure out why. Scary considering she is scheduled for surgery starting on her other eye in a few days.
’Spose I better go get more marking out of the way then.
Oh my, hope your mom will be ok, sending good vibes your way…
Florence seems to haunt you. :P
hope your Mom is ok!
Thanks, all!