I left this to cold steep in the fridge for over an entire day so I’m expecting this to be heavy on the ginger.
And it is! I actually like the ginger aspect of it. It’s like fresh ginger root, and/or non-alcoholic ginger beer without the carbonation.
The pear is a little wonky for me, on the artificial side, but perhaps leaving it to steep that long might have done that. I kept meaning to try this a little earlier but yesterday’s rain, and this cold basement, made me slack in that department and reach for hot tea instead.
At the beginning of every sip, right before the ginger takes over, I’m also hit with something leafy that reminds me of raspberry leaf. I looked it up and lo and behold, it’s blackberry leaves. Close enough!
Many thanks to OMGsrsly for this iced tea sample!
I haven’t tried cold-brewing this one yet. Definitely need to give that a go. I hot-brewed it and diluted it to 1.5 litres (6 cups), then chilled overnight.