Next one to try from my August Uncommon Tea order. This was the one from the fall/winter collection I was least interested in (because of the rooibos), but I had it tonight because with all the Christmas mayhem I haven’t had a chance to try anymore of my teas but it’s too late for any caffeine (especially since I was up all night after having two cups of black tea at 9pm).
Luckily this seems to be another rooibos I actually enjoy. It’s definitely not my favourite base, and I’m not 100% in love with the woodiness it adds, but it didn’t really detract from the other flavours. Speaking of, this tea tastes primarily of shortbread wile you’re drinking it, with a hint of creamy chocolate, but the after taste is pretty intensely chocolaty. It’s a fluffy chocolate note too, so I can see why they would describe it as chocolate mousse. How could any amount of rooibos ruin a tea that tastes like shortbread and chocolate mousse?
Flavors: Chocolate, Cookie, Creamy, Sweet, Wood