I was doubtful, but I did enjoy the smell so I decided to get an iced cup of this while at the mall today (desperately trying to find a birthday present for the bf).
I was right to be doubtful. I like the melon notes in this (predominantly watermelon and cantaloup with a hint of honeydew), but the BITTERNESS! The bitterness did tone down as my ice melted more and the cup got really cold. Anything else that’s supposedly in there (mango, pineapple) isn’t even present—maybe a HINT of mango in the aftertaste. I am willing to give this another go with the possibility that the girl at DAVID’s let this over-steep and that the bitterness may go away with careful preparation but it really ruined this cup for me. Melon Drop is definitely the safer bet if you’re looking for a melon tea from DAVID’s.
Flavors: Bitter, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Melon