1403 Tasting Notes
Buttery and salty and oolong, but who stole the caramel? I am adding a teaspoon of honey to see if I can coax the caramel back. Yes, yes, better, but still not that sexy dripping luscious caramel of my imagination.
The second steep is super buttery too, maybe even more so than the first. A bit more vegetal with the slightest echo of salt. Delicious.
That said, the name of this tea is a lot to live up to. Perhaps I would be enjoying this tea so much more if my imagination were not as vivid.
Thanks, Sil. I’ve been looking forward to trying this one.
Flavors: Butter, Butterscotch, Salt
Haven’t had this one forever.
Today was a day of medical tests and sitting around waiting from ridiculous o’clock onwards. I still feel like I have sand and grit in my eyes from lack of sleep (and probably fluorescent lighting making things worse). The moral of the story is that hospitals are to be avoided, if at all possible.
I treated myself to that rare espresso latte after lunch, so when I got home, it was all about low or no-caffeine. This was the choice. In my memory, this tea is ever so much better than what landed in my cup today. I didn’t add anything to it, perhaps that’s the problem.
I won’t change my rating though, because I am holding firm to being an optimist and I suspect this tea can still be glorious with the right moment and the right touch. And yay, so lovely that the sun is still shining so brilliantly so late in the day.
DELETEabout a minute ago
Thank you. I’ve had visits in several hospitals over the past couple of years and each experience is an experience depending on which one and which particular department and what the staff whom you come into contact with are like.
Today, unfortunately, there were several very visibly ill people on gurneys being wheeled about and left waiting in hallways. Some of the staff were pretty grim. I can only hope that the grim staff didn’t have any contact with the terribly ill patients.
I am so grateful to be home drinking tea in the sunshine. We have a lot to be grateful for.
I hate hospitals too, I usually end up in the er for my asthma and luckily have not been admitted for it. I hope your ok.
I had the same experience with this one… to the point where I don’t wanna try it again until I know its back to what I recall. I think they adjusted the formula, as they tend to do with a lot of their teas. Seasons change and so do harvests I suppose.
Hope your test results come back to say you’re in stellar health xo
Another blustery day here. The bone-chilling kind.
I was fortunate enough to have a fiery Korean seafood soup to take a bit of the chill away and later followed up with this tea prepared chai-style at home. Very delicious.
The tea today has a bit of a rose-lychee hint with the slightest bit of cinnamon and star anise. I am nearing the end of this and suspect that I’ll be moving through the remainder rapidly. A nice variety of things going on in this one.
Flavors: Almond, Anise, Apricot, Cinnamon, Fig, Pineapple
Deep chill here today. I wore my coat to shield myself from the brisk wind. Brrr.
The kind of day to lounge around in flannel pyjamas and drink this. This tea, when you get the parameters right, is divine. The scent is like walking into a good bakery which has just taken their sweet buns out of the oven.
I added a small spoon of honey and a good glog of milk.
The taste is that same saffron almond bun fresh out of the oven. In my first cup, I swear I tasted raisins speckled with the teeniest flecks of cinnamon.
Very mmm.
Flavors: Almond, Cinnamon, Pastries, Raisins
In celebration of having milk handy, I made a cup of this with a bit of honey to start the day.
Enjoyable cup. Cinnamon, spice, distant maple, a bit of nut, a bit of pumpkin. The added sweetness lifts up all the flavours.
I like very much that the maple is barely there. I seem to have experienced too many teas where the maple is boom in your face. It’s a nice change to have it as one of the many flavours at play here although all the flavours are subtle, nicely so.
I find steeping it with water a minute or two past boiling is best.
It was one of those mornings when I went through almost everything to find a tea that was right for the moment. Good choice. That said, I don’t crave this one, and I won’t miss it when it is gone.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Maple, Pumpkin, Spices, Walnut
I seem to be drinking an increasing number of herbals lately. Funny that so many camomile-base teas taste pretty much the same. You know what I’m talking about: that sleepytime story, give or take an herb or two.
This one is not of that ilk. Camomile, though it is not available in the drop down menu to enter it here on Steepster, is just one of the herbs on the side while linden is the main flavour coming through with a bit of a jolt from the liquorice. A nicely balanced blend, more like an herbal chai mix than a sleepytime, though it is quite soothing.
I will likely keep this one on hand. The rating reflects getting the job done, not just the flavour blend.
Flavors: Grass
This is a strange one, but I like it: heavy on the lavender, light on the hibiscus and strawberry.
Beyond running a series of necessary errands, today has been a totally chill kind of day. People out in the world have been kind and lovely, mostly. I have spent a good part of the day either speaking with or eavesdropping on people with delicious accents. I stopped into a DTs for a sample of whatever they are brewing and left with a little bag and a couple of very lovely conversations swirling in my head and a free cup of this. I then took my lavender tea to the bookstore and spent a very pleasant time there too. And left with another bag.
So grateful for beautiful spring days filled with moments that make you believe that all is well with the world.
Sometimes, like now, I crave this one. Yes, yes, it is not the most natural tasting tea in the world, but that thick vanilla thing held up on a barely detectable rooibos base is pretty stellar with milk or as a latte. A great tea when it late and it has been a hard day.
Absolutely fab for what it is. And the sprinkles make me happy.
Flavors: Cake, Vanilla
I love making “Oh Canada” into an iced tea strength, and adding a spoonful of sweetened condensed milk before the ice. So yummy.
I’m not a rooibos fan, but I really like this one cold-steeped in almond milk. It tastes like melted ice cream to me.
i think the age is showing on this one to be honest. It’s not as intense as it was when i first got it, so i’d say “fresh” you’d fine it much more caramely. Still tasty…but not like it was…
Still tasty, as you say, Sil. One day, I will have this fresh as fresh can be to see. In the meantime, it is still luscious.