1403 Tasting Notes



Last night, I lollygagged on the Dammann Freres site, filling my cart up with all sorts of deliciousness. Two hundred dollars worth of deliciousness to be exact. I have neither the money nor the space for more tea. That rarely deters me.

But this time, I closed the window and patted myself on the shoulder. So yay!

Black Friday fever is a wicked thing.

Yup, this tea is a surprise. With a name like Government House Anniversary Blend, I was expecting something dark, powerful, and stately. That is to say not strawberry and mint.

It’s nice though. Mint is not my favourite thing, but here it is pleasantly subdued by the strawberry. The tea base is slightly astringent. Thankfully, I had steeped briefly.

An enjoyable cup.

Flavors: Mint, Strawberry

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I really like this one as an evening sip before bed. A bit creamy, a bit tart, a bit orangey. The vanilla ties it all together. Nice combination.

It seems to me that it is exactly the same tea that Sil and Indigobloom and I bought at the tea festival last year under a different name and in different packaging.

Flavors: Cream, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Tangy, Vanilla

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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After a morning of a minty marshmallowy Laoshan Black, I moved on to this one while snacking on too much bittersweet chocolate and too many almonds and brazil nuts. You see, I am on a roll.


always loved this one from verdant, though i can do without the oolong in it haha haven’t tried LP’s version yet

Evol Ving Ness

Haven’t tried the Verdant version, so I can’t say how it compares. An excellent complement to the earlier minty one I had though.

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There hasn’t been much time, or energy, for tea drinking lately. Things have been quite busy here, constantly in motion, to the extent that I have overdone it by the time I realize it and then there’s nothing to be done but rest and nurture.

Only some teas do well in travel mugs, of course, and even those lose something of themselves when you are out in the world occupied with whatever it is that has pulled you outside.

Then too, there’s the influence of starting and ending the day with absolutely foul Chinese herbs, incredibly bitter, which are taken in tea soup form. Yuck. But apparently good for me, so I will continue the course. Even though my tastebuds are destroyed for a bit after drinking this down.

And then, there’s the spoon of coconut oil that the naturopath prescribed, which I find easily enough to manage in a cup of tea, but then, the tea is somewhat mangled. Some teas manage the coconut flavour better than others.

And so the journey towards health continues. That’s pretty much what I’ve been busy with altogether. It’s quite a process.

Today, thankfully, I was able to simply be. At home. With tea.

After the morning herbs and oil tea, I chose this one to unwind with while doing some typing. What joy!

I’m not a big fan of mint really, but here it is subdued enough that it adds just the slightest something something to the Laoshan Black chocolatey thing going on.


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Nope, no molasses to speak of. Vague spices. And not much going on in the cookie department either. I am enjoying the lightly spiced honeybush as an evening cup though. To be fair, I’ve had this tea for ten months. Perhaps there was more going on with it when it was a bit fresher. Also, I am drinking it straight up and unsweetened. Perhaps additions would oomph it up a bit.

Flavors: Spices

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Aww, that’s too bad.

Evol Ving Ness

It’s fine. Just not memorable. Might be a good one to blend with overpowering others: DTs looking at you.


alas, honeybush tastes like brandy. so i don’t buy anything with honeybush as a dominant taste

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Very pretty leaf and lovely meadow scent. I would drink this far more often with the other flavours, rather than the liquorice, dominating . Perhaps lighter steeps or under leafing would help? Or perhaps adding this to straight camomile?

Flavors: Licorice

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

The body of your text is a smaller font size than the “flavours” line. Is this something Steepster derps up itself or is there a way to change font size?


it’s the same font all the way through for me haha


Oh, when I went back to the review the size was all the same. Maybe it was just loaded weird the first time. (shrug)


haha silly steepster!

Evol Ving Ness

I hadn’t done anything differently, so I guess it was just as Sil says: steepster having a moment.

Evol Ving Ness

Any Canadians who are fans of liquorice?


Never haha I hate it

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This one really worked for me this evening. Both flavours peeked through the base in good proportion. Nice. A good way to come down a bit after spending much of the day out in the rain.

Flavors: Coconut, Cream, Strawberry

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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A monk sips morning tea

A monk sips morning tea,
it’s quiet,
the chrysanthemum’s flowering.

- Basho


Note to self—-you do not actually need any more tea.

My real tea obsession began in February 2015.

Not, sadly, when I had been living and working in China, though I very much enjoyed sampling a variety of teas during my travels there as well. No, no, that would have been far too sensible.

I am a reformed coffee drinker. I still enjoy a long double espresso with a good quantity or milk or cream from time to time, but for now, tea is my thing. All day.

*note—this is way out of date, so if we are doing a swap and you are checking to see what I like and dislike, mostly never mind what you find below. One of these days, I will update this. In the meantime, check what I’ve been drinking and use your own judgement. I like all the teas. Well, I am open to trying all the teas.

I tend to drink black, green, or oolong tea in the morning to early afternoon. Rooibos or
Honeybush or herbal in the evening. And perhaps some sort of sleepy-type tea in the wee hours.

This year, I’ve been discovering flavoured teas, so it may look like that is all I drink although that would provide a false impression.

Not a big fan of chocolate or mint in teas, but I will try them and, from time to time, have been pleasantly surprised. Also, usually I dislike a prominent cinnamon flavour, if untempered with other things, in teas. Again, I say usually, because there are exceptions.

Also, please note that haven’t quite gotten into the habit of updating my tea cupboard on Steepster, and it is unlikely that I will do this on any kind of regular basis.

I drink my tea black and unsweetened. If there comes a rare moment that I add something to it, I will mention it.

Finally, while I thank large and successful tea companies for tantalizing and beckoning me to the world of tea, I prefer to support independent ventures with real people, real enthusiasm and commitment, and real dreams.

Currently, I am researching monthly tea subscriptions. Perhaps it will keep me out of tea shops.

And here is Shae’s rating scale— which I am using with permission, of course— which more or less describes the way I have been rating teas. I am going to make more of an effort to stay very close to these parameters now.

Rating Scale

1-20: By far, one of the worst teas I’ve tasted. I most certainly will not finish my cup and will likely “gift” the rest to my sweet husband who almost always enjoys the teas I dislike (and vice versa).

21-40: This tea is not good but if I mix it with another tea or find another steeping method I might be able to finish it.

41-60: This one is just okay. I might drink it again if someone were to give it to me, but I probably won’t be buying more for myself.

61-75: This is a consistently good tea. It’s reliable but not necessarily special.

76-90: This one is a notch above the rest and I would gladly enjoy a cup of it any day of the week. I’ll likely be keeping this in my cupboard, but it isn’t one of my all-time favorites.

91-95: One small change and this tea would be perfect. I’ll definitely have a stash of this in my kitchen if you come over for tea.

96-100: No words can describe this tea. It’s an experience, an aha moment. Closed eyes, wide smile, encompassing warmth. Absolutely incredible. Perfect.


Mostly, but not always, Toronto, Canada.

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