My parents gave me this tea (#-1) for Christmas, but I am just now getting around to trying it. I’ve never gotten tea from this company before (in my hometown), but mostly because many of their teas seem to be wholesale blends and not unique to them. This one, however, seems unique. It also doesn’t appear on their website.
I love bourbon, and I love bourbon cream liquor. This tea is pretty tasty, but I don’t know that I would call it a bourbon cream tea. Chocolatey with a bit of cream, yes, no doubt due to the large amount of cacao hulls in the blend. Not sure why bourbon = chocolate. Their Mint Julep black tea, presumably also bourbon-based, also has cacao hulls in it. The most bourbon-y tea I’ve ever had was a shu puer, but that was more the taste of the barrel. I wish for more vanilla/cream in this, which is supposed to be a cream tea. Overall a tasty cup, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to restock it.
I have a barrel aged oolong tea at home. So good. Only tea I’ve ever had an “alcohol” vibe from. Still, this sounds super interesting!
Marzipan – I get back pretty frequently to see my parents. Actually going back next weeked for Derby.
You know since you are from there, the way people pronounce Louisville is the way we know if they are from here or not.
You’re from Loo uh vul? Do you get back this way? I’m 2 hours away.
I have a barrel aged oolong tea at home. So good. Only tea I’ve ever had an “alcohol” vibe from. Still, this sounds super interesting!
Marzipan – I get back pretty frequently to see my parents. Actually going back next weeked for Derby.
You know since you are from there, the way people pronounce Louisville is the way we know if they are from here or not.
Haha, too true.