I am often skeptical of milk oolongs, since many companies seem to be carrying the same, not-that-tasty enhanced-but-claiming-not-to-be milk oolong. This does not to seem to fall in that category because they come right out and say that there is natural flavoring, so I am interested in trying it out. Thanks for sending a sample of this one, Sil!
This is interesting. It has the condensed-milk, buttered popcorn scent of many milk oolongs, but this one delivers the flavor pretty well. There is a hint of fruitiness to the base oolong of this, and the flavoring is creamy without being over the top. I get a kind of tangy aftertastes from this that is nice. That said, this is pretty similar to the other Chinese (not Taiwanese) milk oolongs that a lot of companies sell. Sometimes I wonder if I would be able to taste much difference if I lined them all up and tried them. I do like this one better than some of the others I’ve tried, perhaps they all come from a similar region but different plantations. It is interesting that people seem to react vastly differently to different versions. In any case, I’m not much for these Wuyi Mountain (“Quangzhou”) milk oolongs; I’ll stick with Jin Xuans or ATR’s crazy TGY.